
Kelli Cameron Kosuda and Larry Lee Tingen Jr. of Wilmington exchanged vows in a double-ring ceremony May 31, 2014, at 3 p.m. at St. Paul United Methodist Church, with the Rev. Thurman Horney and the Rev. Rachel Moser officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Joseph Lawrence and Anne McNeill Kosuda of Goldsboro and the granddaughter of the late Joseph and Valerie Sharpe Kosuda of Goldsboro and John Worth and Nancy Thomas McNeill of Goldsboro.
She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Mount Olive College in religion and a Master of Divinity from Duke University. She is employed as a minister to youth and young adults at Sharon United Methodist Church in Supply, N.C.
The groom is the son of Larry Lee Tingen Sr. and Kathryn Young Tingen of Graham and the grandson of the late Roy and Eleanor Tingen of Snow Camp and the late Walter and Helen Young of Oxford.
He earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Western Carolina University in applied math and a Master of Science degree in math from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. He is employed as the developmental math coordinator and math instructor at Cape Fear Community College in Wilmington, N.C.
The bride was escorted by her mother and father and given in marriage by her parents.
The bride wore her mother’s wedding gown, a sleeveless formal gown of ivory bridal taffeta fashioned with an elongated fitted bodice with an empire neckline with re-embroidered Alencon lace embellished with pearls. The full antebellum skirt with a deep hemline flounce extended into a full cathedral train. The fingertip veil was attached to a comb designed by Mrs. Erin Gurley, accompanied by handmade satin flowers embellished with pearls from her mother’s headpiece.
Kaitlyn Anne Kosuda, sister of the bride, was maid of honor.
Bridesmaids were Miss Shawna Wilson, cousin of the bride; Mrs. Lisa Moore, sister of the groom; and Miss Ellen Frazier, friend of the bride.
Larry Lee Tingen Sr., father of the groom, served as best man.
Groomsmen were Mr. Zachary Moser, friend of the groom; Mr. Timothy Moser, friend of the groom; and Mr. Ed Moore, brother-in-law of the groom.
Ushers were Mr. Bruce Aument, uncle of the bride, and Mr. Bruce McNeill, uncle of the bride.
Miss Gracie Ruth Merritt was flower girl. Mr. Landon Gurley was ringbearer.
Mrs. Jane Walston directed the wedding. Presiding at the register was Mrs. Ashley Wilson. Mr. Worth Best and Mr. Robert Bruce Wilson distributed programs. Mrs. Alissa Merritt was the wedding planner
Lectors were Mrs. Erin Gurley and Mrs. JoAnne Carden. Crucifer was Mr. Kyle Flynn Acolyte was Mr. Avery Best Tintinabulum bearer was Mr. Matthew McNeill
Videographer was Mr. Brian Gurley.
A program of wedding music was provided by the Rev. Adam Seate and Mr. Jay Locklear, muscians; Mrs. Alice Campbell, organist; Joe Brinson, trumpeter; and St. Paul United Methodist Church sanctuary bells
A reception was hosted by the bride’s parents at Goldsboro Country Club.
After a wedding trip to Nantucket, the couple resides in Wilmington, N.C.
A rehearsal dinner was hosted by the groom’s parents at Lanetree Country Club.
The bride and groom were driven to the reception by the bride’s grandfather in his vintage 1929 Model A Ford decorated with wreaths, flowers and ribbons.
Guests were greeted at the reception by Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gurley and Mr. and Mrs. John Best. The bridal portrait was displayed, along with photographs of the couple.
Events held before the wedding included a couples shower held March 15 hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McNeill and Shawna Wilson in Erwin; a miscellaneous shower held April 5 hosted by the ladies of Mount Hermon United Methodist Church in Graham; a miscellaneous shower held April 6 hosted by the Rudd family in Graham; a bachelorette shower held April 11 hosted by Michelle Matthews, Heather Hincher, Elizabeth Murray and Lisa Morton in Durham; a kitchen shower held April 26 hosted by Miss Ellen Frazier and the ladies of Cary First United Methodist Church in Cary; and a honeymoon shower held May 15 hosted by Kaitlyn Kosuda and Alissa Merritt in Goldsboro.
By News-Argus Staff
Published in Weddings on June 1, 2014 1:53 AM