
Anna Jane Hesmer and Timothy Kivett Franklin Jr. were married at half past five o’clock July 14, 2012, at First United Methodist Church in Morehead City. The Rev. Jerry Smith, great-uncle of the groom, officiated. Following the ceremony, the parents of the bride hosted a reception at Coral Bay Club.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Alfred Francis Rehm Jr. and Mr. William Russell Hesmer Sr. of Wilson. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edward Kirkland Jr. and Mrs. Theodore Casper Hesmer of Wilson and the late Dr. Hesmer. She graduated from Peace College and obtained her master’s degree in school counseling and is a school counselor for Wake County Schools. The bride was presented at the Terpsichorean Ball of North Carolina in 2004.
The groom is the son of Mrs. Cathy Hanner Franklin of Morehead City and Mr. Timothy Kivett Franklin Sr. of Harkers Island. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Lacey Hanner of Belmont and the late Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Thomas Franklin Sr. He graduated from Hampton Sydney College, and is employed by Hilton Hotels.
The bride was escorted by her father. Eliza Eborn Bridgers of Raleigh served as maid of honor. Bridesmaids included Gardner Grey Kirkland and Elizabeth Paxton Peters of Raleigh and Sarah Battle Peters of Athens, Ga., cousins of the bride, Hannah Brown Davis of Wilson, Mary Riddick Stallworth of Atlanta, Ga., Mary Kaitland Davis of Raleigh, Lauren Elam Eddins of Zebulon, Tacey Lynn Willis of Columbus, Ohio, Courtney Brown Cherry of Greenville and Caroline Elizabeth Dollard of Charlotte.
Timothy Kivett Franklin Sr. served as best man. Groomsmen included Andrew Julian Franklin of Greenville, brother of the groom; William Russell Hesmer Jr. of Columbus, Ohio, and David Kirkland Hesmer of Raleigh, brothers of the bride; Graham John Wooten, Matthew Weathers Steed and Grayson Adams Parker of Goldsboro; Joseph Weather Eddins of Zebulon; John Andrew Hamilton of Charlotte; Samuel Daugthry Metzler of Washington state; Gordon Bryon Robbins of Raleigh; and Ronald Gray Sloan of Garner. Jonathan Dustin Caudle of Yadkinville and Michael Andrew Samuels of Chicago, Ill., served as ushers. Jane Bailey Ward served as flower girl, and Walker Ward served as ringbearer. Greeters were Grace Martin Franklin of Raleigh, cousin of the groom, and Brooke Goulding Rich of Edenton. Kevin Patrick Logan of Raleigh served as reader.
The parents of the groom hosted a dinner and dance at Coral Bay Club the evening before the wedding. Earlier that day, a bridesmaids’ luncheon was hosted by family and friends of the bride poolside at The Shores of Spooner’s Creek. A brunch was hosted by friends of the bride and groom the day following the wedding at Bistro by the Sea. Following a wedding trip to the Turks and Caicos, the couple will reside in Raleigh.
By News-Argus Staff
Published in Weddings on July 15, 2012 1:53 AM