Threewitts - Rice

Janice Sasser Threewitts and Russell Wayne Rice of Goldsboro exchanged vows in a double-ring ceremony June 26 at 7 p.m. at Rosewood First Baptist Church, with the Rev. Larry Bostian and the Rev. Vernon Braswell officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Rexford B. and Ruth Sutton Sasser of Goldsboro, and the granddaughter of the late Arnold Rexford and Elizabeth Waters Sasser and the late Bernice and Catherine W. Sutton of Goldsboro.
She is employed as an accounting specialist/assistant to the budget officer of Wayne County.
The groom is the son of the late Coy Lee and Ellen Lowery Rice of Harrison, Ark.
He is employed as a deputy sheriff with the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office.
The bride was escorted by her father and given in marriage by her family.
Ragan Nichole Threewitts was her mother’s maid of honor.
Bridesmaids were Pam Adams and Barbara Flood.
Ian Barratt was best man.
Groomsmen were Rex Threewitts, son of the bride, and Tony McCabe, brother-in-law of bride.
Rylee Joe Meyers, niece of the bride, was flower girl.
Annette Rooney directed the wedding. Presiding at the register was Theresa Barratt. Phyllis Godwin distributed programs.
Special helpers were Ashley McCabe, niece of the bride, and Renee Parrish, friend of the couple.
A program of wedding music was provided by Judy Lewis, pianist, and Jeff Lane, vocalist.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held in Braswell Hall. Jeffrey and Jennifer Sparrow, friends of the couple, and Kristen Holland and Anthony Garner, niece and nephew of the bride, greeted guests. Don and Joanne Neal gave the wedding toast. Lynette Howell and Donna Mercer, friends of the bride, poured punch. Pam Holt and Brandy Jones, co-workers and friends of the couple, cut the cake.
After their wedding trip to Myrtle Beach and Charleston, S.C., the couple now resides in Rosewood.
Events held before the wedding included a shower May 15 in Atlantic Beach hosted by Donna Mercer, Susan Hill, Lynette Howell, Carla Massengill, Judy Smith, Kim Brantham, Beth Jones and Kathryn Barefoot, friends of the bride; a cookout May 30 hosted by Don and Joanne Neal, Lisa and Tony McCabe, Cheryl and Billy Holland and Renee and Ricky Parrish; and a shower June 16 at Kinston Country Club hosted by Pam Holt, friend and co-worker of the bride.
A rehearsal dinner was held June 25 at Rosewood First Baptist Church.
By News-Argus Staff
Published in Weddings on July 26, 2009 2:00 AM