Moore - Hill

Jennie Marie Sutton Hill and Charles David Moore of Goldsboro exchanged vows in a double-ring ceremony Sept. 20 at 3 p.m. at Pine Forest United Methodist Church, with the Rev. Billy Olsen and the Rev. Carnie Hedgepeth officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Thomas Harold and Ketia Hood Sutton of Goldsboro and the granddaughter of Annie Lois Thigpen and the late Ivey Harold Sutton of Mount Olive, Ralph Monroe and Faye Hightower Hood of Greenville, S.C., and Stacy Washington and Margaret Daniels Partin of Four Oaks.
She is employed as a financial services officer at the State Employees’ Credit Union.
The groom is the son of Hervey Thomas and Joyce Yvonne Rasberry Moore of Greenville and the grandson of the late William Hervey and Mildred Edwards Moore of Hookerton and Ruby Spikes Rasberry and the late Dalton Jasper Rasberry Sr. of Bell Arthur.
He is employed as a truck driver at EM Express.
The bride was escorted by her father and given in marriage by her family.
Alexis Hill was her mother’s maid of honor.
Bridesmaids were Angie Boswell, friend of the bride, and Melody Strickland, sister of the groom.
Hervey Thomas Moore was his son’s best man.
Groomsmen were Thomas Sutton Jr., brother of the bride, and Samuel Strickland, nephew of the groom.
Victoria Hill, daughter of the bride, was flower girl. Lane Moore, son of the groom, was ringbearer.
Vickie Smith, friend of the couple, directed the wedding. Presiding at the register was Regina Grantham. Brent Grantham distributed programs.
A program of wedding music was provided by Wayne Boswell, sound technician, and Alexis Hill, daughter of the bride, vocalist.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the church fellowship hall. Overseer was Michael Rowe. Ralph and Amy Hood, uncle and aunt of the bride, greeted guests. Rhapsody, niece of the groom, served the wedding cake. Crystal West, friend of the couple, poured punch.
After a wedding trip to Bryson City, the couple reside in Rosewood.
The couple’s parents hosted a rehearsal dinner at Pine Forest United Methodist Church.
By News-Argus Staff
Published in Weddings on November 16, 2008 12:35 PM