Rielly - Setzer

CHAPEL HILL — Paige Stewart Setzer and Sean Christopher Rielly exchanged vows April 19 at 5 p.m. at Orange Methodist Church, with the Rev. Greg Moore officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eli Setzer Jr. of Goldsboro and the granddaughter of Mrs. Robert McLean Senn Jr. of Greensboro, the late Mr. Senn, Mrs. Joseph Eli Setzer of Goldsboro and the late Mr. Setzer of Elizabeth City.
She is a graduate of Wayne Country Day School and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is employed as an administrative manager at the University of Washington School of Medicine’s department of surgery in Seattle, Wash.
The groom is the son of John Gerard Rielly of Todd, and Lori Rielly Kattner of Austin, Texas, and the grandson of George Charles Wagner of Chocowinity, the late Mrs. Wagner and the late Mr. and Mrs. G. Gerard Rielly of Kinderhook, N.Y.
He is a graduate of West Carteret High School and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is employed as an associate director at ESPN.com in Seattle.
Catherine Tarrant Setzer of Charlotte was her sister’s maid of honor.
Bridesmaids were Jessica Lee Foster of New York, N.Y., Jacqueline Elizabeth Kannan of Thailand, Emily Ryan Nivens of Belmont and Kelly Elizabeth Robinson of Greensboro.
Steven Henry Millender II of Durham was the groom’s best man.
Groomsmen were Theodore Peter Bishop of Seattle, Wash., Jeffrey Earl Gray of Carrboro, Jason Mitchell Langdon of Raleigh and Franklin Dow Williamson of Durham.
Caroline Anne Pollan of Austin, Texas, niece of the groom, was flower girl.
A program of wedding music was provided by Roger Searles, organist, and Dr. J. David McChesney, trumpeter.
Following the ceremony, the bride’s parents held a reception at the Barn at Fearrington Village, Pittsboro.
After a wedding trip to Duck, the couple reside in Seattle.
Events held before the wedding included a bridesmaids’ luncheon at La Residence in Chapel Hill hosted by Mrs. Robert Senn, grandmother of the bride, Mrs. James Spicer and Mrs. James Womble of Goldsboro; and an engagement party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Biggers of Goldsboro hosted by friends of the family.
The groom’s parents hosted a rehearsal dinner April 18 at the Carolina Inn in Chapel Hill.
By News-Argus Staff
Published in Weddings on May 18, 2008 3:30 AM