Cole - Wallace

PRINCETON — Andrea Lynne Wallace and Adam Martin Cole exchanged vows in a double-ring ceremony Oct. 28 at 4:30 p.m. at Grace Baptist Church, with the Rev. Ron Hawley officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Percy and Lynne Wallace of Princeton and the granddaughter of Christine Wallace, the late Willie Wallace, Norma Thompson and the late Donald Brance of Smithfield.
She is a 2002 graduate of Princeton High School and a graduate of Johnston Community College. She attends East Carolina University for a bachelor degree in elementary education. She is employed as a teacher’s assistant at Westview Elementary.
The groom is the son of Dennie Wayne and Sandra Martin Cole of Princeton and the grandson of Lloyd and Naomi Cole and Raymond and Shirly Martin of Goldsboro.
He graduated from Rosewood High School in 2000 and North Carolina State in 2005 with a Bachelor of Science degree in agriculture business management. He is a member of Alpha Gamma Rho. He is employed as an assistant manager at Builders Discount Center.
The bride was escorted by her father and given in marriage by her parents.
She wore a white satin gown enhanced with a sweetheart neckline, cappul sleeves and a beaded bodice. The side-draped waistline led to a flowing skirt accented by pearls and sequins.
Her pearl tiara was attached to a white fingertip-length veil.
The bride carried a bouquet of tiger lilies, hydrangeas and confetti roses in fall colors wrapped in cascading sheer ribbon.
Taylor Medlin was maid of honor.
Bridesmaids were Jennifer Massey, April Price, Nicole Winstead and Jenny Wallace.
Dennis Cole was best man.
Groomsmen were Trey Bridgers, Zeb Saunders, Jason Talton and Jason Wallace.
Ushers were Chad Crews, Andy Dixon, Brad Marcom and Danny Ray Holland.
Kyla Lupo was the miniature bride. Hunter Keeter was the miniature groom.
Marissa Barbour was flower girl. Marshall Keeter was ringbearer.
Sylvia Wolfe directed the wedding. Presiding at the register were Mr. and Mrs. Jason Strickland. Dana Branch and Jessica Lewis distributed programs.
A program of wedding music was provided by Phyllis Edwards, pianist, and Sherrie Cuddington and Shawna Moore, vocalists, and the bride.
Following the ceremony, the bride’s parents held a reception in the fellowship hall. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Strickland and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Branch greeted guests. Mr. and Mrs. Davey Marcum and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Branch said good-byes.
After a wedding trip to Gatlinburg, Tenn., the couple reside in Princeton.
Events held before the wedding included a bachelor weekend and hunting trip Oct. 13 through 15 hosted by Trey Bridgers and Zeb Saunders; a bachelorette weekend Sept. 15 through 17 in Myrtle Beach, S.C., hosted by the bridesmaids; a surprise shower Oct. 23 hosted by the kindergarten class; a bridal brunch Oct. 7 at the home of Stephanie Branch; a miscellaneous shower Oct. 6 at Westview Elementary hosted by co-workers; a Christmas shower Oct. 1 at the home of Kim and Jason Strickland; a housewarming shower Sept. 24 at Grace Baptist Church; a cookout Sept. 23 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace; and a bridal shower Sept. 10 at Antioch Church.
A rehearsal dinner was held at Princeton Baptist Church.
By News-Argus Staff
Published in Weddings on November 5, 2006 3:30 AM