Van Dyke - Moore

Phyllis Lane Moore of Goldsboro and Ronald Allan Van Dyke exchanged vows in a double-ring ceremony Sept. 23 at 2 p.m. at The Lord’s Table, with the Rev. Bill Showman officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Moore of Castle Hayne.
She is a graduate of Southern Wayne High School, Mount Olive College with an Associate of Arts degree and Campbell University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English. She is employed as a reporter at the Goldsboro News-Argus.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Van Dyke of Dudley and the grandson of Mildred Chappell of Dudley.
He graduated from Southern Wayne High School and attended Wayne Community College.
The bride was escorted by her father and given in marriage by her parents.
She wore a faux two-piece ballgown with a Duchess satin bodice with scattered caviar beading and sequins and a full organza flowing skirt.
She carried a hand-wrapped bouquet of pale pink and burgundy roses.
Glenda Moore White of Rocky Point served as her sister’s matron of honor.
Chris Moore of Raleigh, brother of the bride, was best man.
Bub White of Rocky Point, nephew of the bride, was the groomsman.
Morgan White of Rocky Point, niece of the bride, was the junior bridesmaid.
Savannah Moore of Raleigh, niece of the bride, was flower girl. Joshua Moore and Jared Moore of Raleigh, nephews of the bride, were ringbearers.
Debbie Pennell, co-worker of the bride, directed the wedding. Presiding at the register was Alice Moore of Raleigh, sister-in-law of the bride. Betty Pike and Leigh Zimmermann, friends of the bride, distributed programs.
Renee Carey, co-worker of the bride, was a special helper.
A program of wedding music was provided by Nathan Lean of Goldsboro, pianist, and Glenda White and Bub White, vocalists.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the church fellowship hall.
After a wedding trip to Charleston and Myrtle Beach, S.C., the couple reside in Goldsboro.
Events held before the wedding included a surprise shower Sept. 21 hosted by friends and co-workers of the bride.
The couple hosted a rehearsal dinner Sept. 22 at the Steak Barn. They chose this time to present gifts to their attendants.
By News-Argus Staff
Published in Weddings on October 15, 2006 3:30 AM