Sheets - Howell

BENTONVILLE — Amanda Gray Howell and Kevin Albert Sheets exchanged vows in a double-ring ceremony Aug. 12 at 3 p.m. at St. John Pentecostal Holiness Church, with the Rev. Richard Parsons officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Howard L. “Buddy” Howell and Nancy W. Howell of Grantham and the granddaughter of Howard B. and Mildred D. Howell of Grantham and Virginia W. Hudson and the late William H. Wells of Goldsboro.
She is a 1999 graduate of Southern Wayne High School. She is employed at New Hanover Regional Medical Center.
The groom is the son of Steve and Nancy D. Sheets of Statesville and the grandson of Mary Sheets and the late William J. Sheets and the late Willie E. Dyson.
He graduated from Statesville Senior High School in 1999. He attends Cape Fear Community College for a major in social work. He is employed as assistant manager at Papa Johns Pizza.
The bride was escorted by her father and given in marriage by her parents.
Ashley Renee Howell and Tammy Howell Walker served their sister as maids of honor.
Bridesmaids were Christy S. Simpson of Chesapeake, Va., and Katie Sheets of Greenville, sisters of the groom, and Kristin Hooks of Wilmington, friend of the bride.
Alex Hollingsworth of Statesville, friend of the groom, served as best man.
Groomsmen were Steve Sheets of Statesville, father of the groom; Joey Davidson of Statesville, friend of the groom; Joey Denning of Grantham, friend of the bride; and Matt Huberty of Illinois, friend of the couple.
Kasey Leigh Vann of Grantham, cousin of the bride, was flower girl.
Ann H. Denning, aunt of the bride, directed the wedding.
Honorary bridesmaids were Summer M. Edwards of Grantham, cousin of the bride; and Stephanie C. Parkhurst of Apex, friend of the bride.
A program of wedding music was provided by Jean Parsons, pianist, and Nicki Sanderson, vocalist.
After a wedding trip to Disney World, the couple reside in Wilmington.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the church fellowship hall. Wilma Brown, aunt of the bride, poured punch. Susan Jones, aunt of the bride, served the wedding cake. Katlyn Denning and Chloe Edwards, cousins of the bride, distributed birdseed.
Events held before the wedding included a beach outing and dinner July 27 at Friday’s of Wilmington hosted by Ann Denning, aunt of the bride; a bridal shower July 9 at St. John Church hosted by Ann Denning, Kim Vann, Vickey Sanderson and Janice and Doodle Edwards, family of the bride; a bridal tea July 8 at the home of Wilma Brown hosted by Ms. Brown and Susan Jones, aunts of the bride; a miscellaneous shower June 19 hosted by New Hanover emergency department staff; and a lingerie shower June 10 in Wilmington hosted by Kristin Hooks and the bridal party.
The groom’s parents held a rehearsal luau Aug. 11 at the church.
By News-Argus Staff
Published in Weddings on August 13, 2006 3:31 AM