07/19/05 — Local activities

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Local activities

By News-Argus Staff
Published in Sports on July 19, 2005 2:13 PM

'91 Goldsboro Sting tryouts

Neuse River Youth Soccer Association's '91 Goldsboro Sting Classic team will hold open tryouts on Saturday at 10 a.m. at the Family YMCA Soccer Complex. Boys and Girls ages 13-14 are eligible for the Fall "Classic" level team and players must register through the NRYSA. For more information, contact David Bowden (manager) 920-7706, Paul Estrada (coach) 736-9822, Mark R. Johnson (President) 751-0972 or e-mail [email protected].

RYSA soccer

Two additional registration periods for the Rosewood Youth Sports Association soccer league are scheduled for July 23 and 30 from 9 a.m. to noon. The league is for players ages 5-12. The registration fee is $50, which includes a full uniform. For more information, telephone Richard Clark at 734-8388 or Donnie Browder at 731-2557.

MOC Baseball Camp

A second Mount Olive College Baseball Camp is scheduled for Wednesday-Friday (ages 13-18). Registration for the second session will be Wednesday from noon-2 p.m. However, early registration is encouraged. The cost for day students is $175 and the cost for overnight campers is $200. Fee includes instruction, camp activities, T-shirt, lunch, dinner and insurance. For more information, contact Carl Lancaster at (919) 658-7806. Interested campers can obtain a brochure or registration form by visiting All-Star Batting Cages or the Mount Olive College Web site at www.athletics.moc.edu.

W.A. Foster Basketball Camp

The W.A. Foster Basketball Camp will be held July 20-22 from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. For more information, contact (919) 734-4164.

Rosewood Little Eagles football

Registration for Rosewood Little Eagles football for ages 9-12 will be held July 21-23 from 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m. at Branch Pope Field. The fee is $50.

Randy Tilley/Toni Ingram Basketball Camps

Two basketball camps over a 10-day stretch are scheduled for mid-July at Wayne Country Day School. Boys and girls ages 4 1/2-18 may participate, but high school graduates are not eligible. The registration fee is $35 and cost for the week-long camp is $150. The camp will run daily from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. A minimum of five players from a team will receive a team rate of $200. North Carolina player David Noel and former Tar Heel Joe Forte are scheduled to assist Tilley's camp. For more information, telephone Randy Tilley at 658-1881 (home) or 221-3619 (cell), or Toni Ingram at 658-9596 (home) or 273-7303 (cell).

Daniel Barrow Football Camp

The Daniel Barrow Football Camp will be held July 23 from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. at Branch Pope Field. The camp is for players ages 9-14 and the fee is $20. For more information, contact Stuart Kornegay at 734-5567 or 921-0720.

N.C. Wiffle Ball Tournament

The North Carolina Wiffle Ball Tournament will be held July 23-24 at the Kenly Community Park. The entry fee is $60 for each, four-player team. For more information, contact Jeff Davis at (919) 284-1522 or Stevie Edwards at (919) 989-7723.

GWSC Softball Camp

The George Whitfield Sports Complex will host an instructional softball camp for girls ages 5-15 July 25-27. East Carolina University players Mandy Nichols and Page Baggett, along with D.H. Conley coach Joey Baggett will instruct the camp. Cost for the three-day event is $60. Camp runs from 9 a.m.-noon. For more information, contact (919) 580-1100 ext. 1.

SCHS four-man superball event

The Spring Creek High School Athletic Booster Club is hosting a four-man superball tournament scheduled for a shotgun start at 10 a.m. on July 26 at Sleepy Creek Golf Course. Individual entry fee is $40 and a team entry fee is $160. Registration deadline is July 24. The tournament rain date is July 28. For more information, telephone Sleepy Creek Golf Course at 734-6661 or Spring Creek High School at 751-7160.

Warrior Soccer H.S. Prep Camp

The Warrior Soccer High School Prep Camp will be from July 27-30 from 9 a.m.-11:15 a.m. The camp is designed for the advanced player only. All rising 8th-12th grade boys are eligible to attend. First-day registration only. Brochures are available at the EWHS front office and Bicycle World downtown. The cost is $60. Contact Jorg Wagner at 751-8810 for more information.

Goldsboro YMCA Sprint Triathlon

The 20th Annual Goldsboro Family YMCA Sprint Triathlon is scheduled for July 30 at Walnut Creek. The pre-event meeting is at 7:15 a.m. (attendance is mandatory) and the race begins at 7:30 a.m. The triathlon is open to the first 250 individuals and entry fee is due by 5 p.m. on July 27 or until the first 250 entrants. The fee for USAT members is $50 (individual) and $109 (team) and Non-USAT is $59 (individual) and $109 (team). Entry fees are non-refundable. Awards are provided to the top three overall females and males. Awards will also be given to the top three in each age group and the top two teams in each team category. All participants will receive a T-shirt. For more information, contact Kriquette Davis (919) 778-8557 or e-mail [email protected].

Tennis camps

Tennis pro Alan Cuddington is offering week-long tennis camps for players ages 6-18 on the following dates: July 18-21, July 25-28, Aug. 1-4, Aug. 8-11 and Aug. 15-18. A junior tennis league for players 6-18 has been organized and begins play on Aug. 24. For more information, telephone Alan Cuddington at 736-9133, 221-1878 or 221-8738.

3-on-3 scholarship tournament

New Spirit Church Ministries is sponsoring a 3-on-3 scholarship basketball tournament July 30 at Goldsboro High School. Tournament play begins at 9 a.m. and will conclude around 2 p.m. A $25 entry fee per team is required. For more information and to obtain a copy of the registration form, waiver and rules, please phone the Ministries office at 735-0102.

Babe Ruth Falcons baseball

Anyone interested in playing with the Wayne County Babe Ruth Falcons 9-10-year-old baseball team should telephone Doug Harrison at 738-6807 for more information.

Adult fall softball

An organizational meeting for the adult fall open softball league is scheduled for Aug. 1 at 6 p.m. at the Herman Park Center. Each prospective team must have a representative present for the meeting. For more information, telephone Jeffrey Winbush at 739-7488.

Fall baseball/softball meeting

An Eastern North Carolina fall baseball/softball meeting is slated for Aug. 3 at 7 p.m. at the George Whitfield Sports Complex. All baseball/softball coaches are encouraged to attend. For more information, visit www.ecaaball.com.

Wayne Christian Volleyball Camp

Wayne Christian School is hosting a volleyball camp August 1-3 from 9 a.m.-1p.m. each day. The camp will be taught by N.C. Wesleyan College head coach Robin Pietryk. Cost is $67 and is open to any student in grades 6-12. Contact Roger Longwell at 751-0206 for information, or call 394-5137 after July 20.

North Duplin football practice

North Duplin football practice for rising 9-12 grade students will begin August 1 at 6 p.m. To practice, prospective players must complete a physical form, have school athletic insurance and a completed parent permission form. There will be a meeting for all football players and parents July 25 at 6 p.m. in the elementary school cafeteria. Forms can be turned in and insurance can be paid at the meeting. Player equipment will be issued following the meeting. For more information, contact coach John Avent at (919) 658-9337.

Eastern Wayne football practice

Eastern Wayne football practice will begin August 1 at 5:30 p.m. All players should meet in the old gym dressed in shorts, football cleats, helmet and shoulder pads. Sports Physicals/Parent Permission Forms are required. Forms may be picked up at the EWHS main office or the weight room. Equipment will be issued July 25 and 26 from 5-7 p.m. in the main gym. Players must have Sports Physicals/Parent Permission Form. For more information, contact coach Jeff Price at 751-7120 or 738-8635.

Southern Wayne football practice

Southern Wayne football practice will begin August 1 at 12:01 a.m. at the Doyle Whitfield Athletic Complex. Physical forms can be picked up at the SWHS main office. Junior varsity practice will begin at 4 p.m. on August 2. All prospects are to report to the football field with a completed physical, helmet, shoulder pads, t-shirt, shorts and cleats. Equipment will be issued and completed physicals turned in on the following dates from 6-7 p.m. at the field house; Seniors -- July 25, Juniors -- July 27, Sophomores/Freshmen -- July 28.

Little Falcon football registration

Registration for Little Falcon football will be held August 1 and 2 from 6-7 p.m. in the Charles B. Aycock HS parking lot. For more information, contact Dean Whitley at 242-5464 or Stewart Baker at 580-9017.

Eastern N.C. baseball/softball meeting

There will be an Eastern North Carolina fall baseball and softball meeting on August 3 at the George Whitfield Sports Complex. All coaches needed to attend this meeting. For more information, visit www.ecaaball.com.

Eighth Annual Basketball Summer Clinic

KP Sports Co. presents the Eighth Annual Basketball Summer Clinic on August 6 at the Goldsboro Family YMCA from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The clinic is for boys and girls ages 5-19 and cost is $25, which includes t-shirt for pre-registered attendees and lunch. The clinic will be coached by Marlon Lee and Rod Ford with several ACC men's basketball players also scheduled to attend. For more information, contact Roderick Ford at (919) 751-3399.

C.B. Aycock football practice

Junior varsity and varsity football practice begins Aug. 1 at 5:30 p.m. at the Charles B. Aycock field house. Freshman football practice commences Aug. 8 at 5:30 p.m. All players must have a current physical form on file at the school. For more information, telephone head coach Randy Pinkowski at 242-4109.

C.B. Aycock girls tennis

Junior varsity and varsity girls tennis practice begins Aug. 8 at 8:30 a.m. at the Charles B. Aycock tennis courts. All players must have a current physical form on file at the school. For more information, telephone head coach Luke Vail at (252) 242-5542.

WCDS Volleyball Camp

The 2005 Juliet Jones Annual Volleyball Camps will be held August 8-11 at Wayne Country Day. The camp is open to girls ages 11-18 of any skill level. The camp's registration fee is $100 for either session per camper. There is a $25 discount for siblings who attend the camp. Campers can attend both sessions for $175. The camp will begin daily at 9 a.m. and end at 3 p.m. Campers need to bring their own lunches, or may purchase items from the camp concessions. For more information, contact Juliet Jones at 778-4478 or 920-9536.

RYSA fall coach-pitch baseball

Rosewood Youth Sports Association will be sponsoring a fall coach pitch league this year. Play will begin after Labor Day. A child must be 6, 7 or 8 years of age on April 30 of next year to be eligible. This will be an instructional league for those who will be playing coach pitch next year. The league will be open to all Wayne and surrounding county youth. Registration will be held every remaining Saturday in July and the first Saturday in August at Rosewood Middle School gym from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. The cost will be $25 per child. For more information, contact Donnie Browder at 922-0128 or 731-2557.

SW volleyball tryouts

Report dates for Southern Wayne volleyball tryouts will be staggered by grade this year. Freshmen will report for tryouts Aug. 8, Sophomores -- Aug. 9, Juniors -- Aug. 10, Seniors -- Aug. 11. Report time for each class on their first day is 2:30 p.m. Each day after is 3 p.m. Tryouts end Aug. 12. Every player needs to have a completed physical and a wallet- size photo to leave with the coach. Be dressed to play. Contact coach Brian Bandy with any questions at 751-3190 before 8 p.m. with questions.

Boys & Girls Club tackle football

Registration for Boys & Girls Club of Wayne County tackle and flag football runs through Aug. 12. Tackle football is for ages 8-10 and 11-12, while flag football is for ages 6-8. The cost is $45 for members and $55 for non-members. For more information, contact Jeff Barnes at 735-2358.

YMCA flag football

The Goldsboro Family YMCA is sponsoring flag football for boys and girls ages 6-8 and 9-11. Registration begins July 18 and runs through Aug. 22. Late registration is from Aug. 23-31. Fees are $35 for Y members and $60 for non-members. A $10 fee for members and non-members will be added during late registration. The league is in participation with the Goldsboro Parks and Recreation Department, and volunteer coaches are needed. For more information, telephone 778-8557.

Parks and Rec. flag football

Goldsboro Parks and Recreation will began accepting registration for flag football for boys and girls ages 6-8 and 9-11. Registration can be done at the Parks and Rec. office on East Ash Street from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday. For more information, contact Jeffrey Winbush at 739-7488.

YMCA fall soccer

The Goldsboro Family YMCA will hold fall soccer registration from July 18-Sept. 2 for boys and girls ages 4-15. The fee for members is $48 and $60 for non-members. Volunteer coaches are also needed. For more information, call 778-8557.