Sports briefs
By News-Argus Staff
Published in Sports on July 30, 2004 1:55 PM
Rosewood Little Eagles football
Registration for playing Rosewood Little Eagles football will run through Saturday outside the Rosewood Middle School. Registration will take place today from 6-7:30 p.m. and Saturday from 10-11:30 a.m. for players in ages 9-10 and 11-12. Registration cost is $50. For more information, call Stuart Kornegay at 734-5567.
RYSA soccer and fall baseball registration
Rosewood Youth Sports will hold soccer registration for boys and girls ages 5-12 on Saturday at Rosewood Middle School gym from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Registration fee is $50.00 ($60.00 after July 31). RYSA will also have a registration sheet for those interested in fall baseball for children moving up into live pitching next spring. For more information, please contact Nelson Rollins at 581-9156 or Richard Clark at 734-8388.
C.B. Aycock ninth-grade football
The first day of football practice for ninth-graders will be Saturday at 8 a.m. Completed physical forms will be required at the first practice.
Mount Olive Hurricanes football
Registration has begun for Mount Olive Hurricanes youth football for ages 9-12. Players may register at the Mount Olive Boys and Girls Club (658-9836) or by telephoning Alex Ferrell at 658-2025 or 658-2971.
ECAP fall baseball
The Eastern Carolina Athletic Park will be starting a fall baseball league for all ages. Registration will start in August. Contact Doug Kline at (919) 580-1100, ext. 1 for more information.
Hurricanes 14-under softball
Tryouts for Fall 14-and-under Hurricane Fastpitch Softball 2004 will be held Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Eastern Carolina Athletic park. No prior sign up is necessary. Contact Phillip Jordan at 919-734-7140 for more information.
14-year old BR World Series passes
Tournament passes for the 14-year old Babe Ruth baseball World Series that will be held in Wilson are now sale at the W.C.Y.A.A. offices in Lucama between now and Aug. 1. Wayne County Babe Ruth president Randy Pate also has advance tickets for sale. The passes will be sold at the reduced prices of $30 (adults) and $23 (children). After Aug. 1, the passes will be $35 for adults and $28 for children. Call Mickey Davis at 239-0652 or 230-2467 for more information.
14-under Hurricanes softball tryouts
Tryouts for fall 14-under Hurricane Fastpitch Softball will be held August 1 at 3 p.m. Tryouts will be held at the ECAP. No prior registration is necessary, but contact Phillip Jordan at (919) 734-7140 with any questions.
Northwest fall baseball
For information on Northwest fall baseball for Babe Ruth rookies (7-8 year-olds) contact Heath Smitherman at 736-8485. For information on Babe Ruth 9-10 year-olds contact Sidney Grant at 731-3083 or Chad Pate 735-8954.
CBA volleyball tryouts
All girls in grades 9-12 interested in trying out for the C.B. Aycock volleyball team should report to the new gymnasium at 3:15 on Aug. 2. All participants must have a completed physical form on file in the athletic office in order to participate. For more information, telephone Davis Harris at 731-3887.
Rosewood soccer tryouts
Tryouts for the Rosewood High School boys soccer team will be held Aug. 2 at 6 p.m. at the school. Prospective players must have a completed pyysical form to take part. For more information call Daniel Mitchell at 734-3262.
WCDS soccer practice
Practice for the Wayne Country Day School varsity soccer team will begin August 2 from 9-11 a.m. for all ninth and 10th graders. Players should bring a completed physical form and athletics fees to the first practice. For more informartion call coach Michael Taylor or athletics director Randy Tilley at 736-1045.
Goldsboro High volleyball
All girls in grades 9-12 interested in trying out for the Goldsboro High volleyball team should report to the gym on Aug. 2 at 2:30 p.m. All participants must have a completed physical form on file in the athletic office. For more information, telephone coach Jordan at 731-5930.
CBA girls golf
First practice for the Charles B. Aycock ladies golf team will be held Aug. 3 at 3:30 p.m. at Lane Tree Golf Course. All players must have a completed physical form before that date. For more information call coach Gary Hales at 731-4771.
E. Wayne Middle School
Tryouts for all fall sports at Eastern Wayne Middle School will begin Aug. 4. Volleyball and co-ed soccer tryouts are from 3-5 p.m. Football tryouts are scheduled between 3-5:30 p.m. Students must have a completed physical form on file before participating in the tryouts.
Norwayne MS tryouts
Tryouts for the volleyball and soccer teams at Norwayne Middle School will be held Wednesday, August 4 and football tryouts will be held Thursday, August 5. All players must have a completed physical form to participate.
Mandatory meeting at S. Creek
Parents who have children playing middle or high school sports in the fall are asked to attend a mandatory meeting Aug. 4 at Spring Creek High School. The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. in the school gym.
Grantham Middle School
Fall sports tryouts for Grantham Middle School will be held August 4 at the school. Tryouts for Football will run from 3 p.m. until 5:15, while volleyball and soccer tryouts will run from 3-5 p.m. Students must have a valid physical form completed by a doctor in order to try out.
Brogden Middle School Football
Practice for Brogden Middle School's football team will begin August 4 at 2:30 p.m. at the school/. Players must have a completed physical form in hand to practice.
Spring Creek Middle School football
Spring Creek Middle School will begin football practice on Aug. 4 from 3-5 p.m. Players must have a completed physical to practice.
James Sprunt Foundation tournament
The James Sprunt Foundation will host its 19th annual superball golf tournament Aug. 5 at River Landing Country Club in Wallace. The event is being held to raise money to support student scholarships and other programs of student benefit at James Sprunt Community College. Four-person teams may request either an 8:30 a.m. or a 2 p.m. shotgun starting time. Assignments to starting times are on a first-come first-served basis. Entry fees include green and cart fees, lunch, refreshments and gifts for golfers. Entry fee for the tournament is $360 per team. Other sponsorship opportunities are also available. Information and entry forms are available by contacting the Foundation Office at James Sprunt Community College, Mondays through Thursdays, at 910-296-2416 or 910-296-2400.
Spring Creek volleyball
Spring Creek will hold volleyball tryouts on Thursday and Friday and again Aug. 2-5 from 3-5 p.m. Players must have a completed physical to tryout. For more information, contact coach Deanna Morris at 751-7160 or 921-6581.
LaGrange BR baseball tournament
The LaGrange Food Lion is sponsoring a Babe Ruth baseball tournament Aug. 6-8 in LaGrange. Age groups include 8-under, 10-under and 12-under. Ages are as of August 1, 2004. No entry fee is required for the tournament. Interested teams may contact Gary Radford at (252) 566-3075 or Dean Horne at (252) 566-4135.
Greene Central scrimmage-supper
Greene Central High School will hold it's Blue-White scrimmage game Friday August 6 at the School's football field at 11 p.m.. At 8:30 p.m. a hot dog supper will be held. The team will debut new Greene Central U=uniforms for the first time.
Volunteers needed for YMCA triathlon
The Goldsboro YMCA is looking for volunteers for its August 7 triathlon. Volunteers are needed for registration from 5:30-7:30 a.m. for registration, from 7:30 a.m.-11 a.m. at the water stations and timers are needed from 7 a.m.-11 a.m. The excess revenue from the triathlon goes to the YMCA's scholarship fund. For more information about the triathlon or volunteering, contact Kriquette Davis at 778-8557 or email [email protected].
Wayne Christian sports
The following fall sports programs will begin at Wayne Chrtistian School on the indicated dates:
*Varsity and JV volleyball tryouts will be held August 6 and August 9 from 3-5 p.m. The sport is open to all 7th through 12th grade students. Call Roger Longwell at 735-5605 ext. 105 for more information.
*Varsity and JV tennis tryouts will be held August 2-3 and August 9-10 from 3-4:30 p.m. at Walnut Creek Country Club. The sport is open to all 7th through 12th grade students. Call Roger Longwell at 735-5605 ext. 105 for more information.
*Wayne Christian School hopes to begin a cross country program this season. Tryouts will begin August 6 and August 9 at 5 p.m. Call Roger Longwell at 735-5605 ext. 105 for more information.
Wayne Christian has one remaining tennis camp for the summer, August 2-5 from 9 a.m. until noon with pro instructor Jay James. Call James at 910-814-9551 for more information.
Eastern Wayne football jamboree
Eastern Wayne High School will conduct a four-team football scrimmage August 10 at 6 p.m. at the school. Participating teams include Ayden-Grifton, Greenville Rose and Raleigh Broughton.
Boys and Girls Club soccer
Registration for youth soccer at the Wayne County Boys and Girls Club will begin Thursday and run through August 16 daily from 2-7 p.m. at the Boys and Girls Club. League ages are 6-8, 9-10, 11-12 and 13-15. For more information call Jeff Barnes at 735-2358.
Boys and Girls Club tackle football
Registration for youth tackle football at the Wayne County Boys and Girls Club will begin Thursday and run through August 16 daily from 2-7 p.m. at the Boys and Girls Club. League ages are 9-10 and 11-12. Cost is $45 plus $10 membership fee. For more information call Jeff Barnes at 735-2358.
Boys and Girls Club flag football
Registration for youth flag football at the Wayne County Boys and Girls Club will begin Thursday and run through August 16 daily from 2-7 p.m. at the Boys and Girls Club. League ages are 6-9. Cost is $35 plus $10 membership fee. For more information call Jeff Barnes at 735-2358.
Sampson Stealers softball
The Sampson Stealers 18-and-under girls traveling fastpitch sofrtball team will hold tryouts for the 2004-2005 season August 21-22. Call Coach Lee at 910-594-0087 or e-mail to [email protected] for more information.
YMCA Football/soccer signups
Signups are underway for flag football and Fall soccer at the Goldsboro Family YMCA. Signups for flag football will run through August 23 and cost is $35 for members and $60 for non-menbers. Signups for fall soccer will run through August 16 and fees are $48, which includes a shirt, shorts and socks. For more information call 778-8557.
Wayne County Pirate Club
The 12th annual Wayne County Pirate Club Golf Classic is scheduled for Aug. 26 at Walnut Creek Country Club. Registration fee is $75 per person and is limited to the first 120 entries by Aug. 19. A shotgun start is slated for 1 p.m. A box lunch, compliments of Quizno's Subs of Goldsboro, will be provided for golfers beginning at noon. The format is super ball teams (handicapped). A hole sponsorship is $100 and a team sponsorship is $500. For more information, telephone Norman Edgerton at (919) 734-7710 or Scott Newby at (919) 922-2739. Newby can also be reached at [email protected].
Michael Martin Tournament
The 17th Annual Michael Martin Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament is set for Thursday, Aug. 26, at Southern Wayne Country Club. Tee times for the four-man super ball tournament, sponsored by Friendly Mart Food Stores, will be at 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Entries must be received by Tuesday, Aug. 17. The field will be limited to the first 200 players with paid entries. For information, contact Jimmy Adams at 658-6566 Ext. 130 or Neil Price at 658-2851. Proceeds from the tournament go to the Michael Martin Memorial Scholarship Fund at Mount Olive College.
Mar-Mac fall baseball
Registration for Mar-Mac fall baseball will be every Saturday from 1 p.m.-5 p.m. through Aug. 28 for ages 6-14.
Goldsboro Parks and Rec. softball meeting
The Goldsboro Parks and Recreation will be conducting an organizational meeting for open fall softball league and a co-ed softball league beginning August 2 at the Herman Park Center. The co-ed league meeting will begin at 6 p.m. and the fall league meeting at 6:30 p.m. For more information, contact Jeffrey Winbush at 739-7488.
Kappa Alpha Psi Golf Tournament
The Goldsboro Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity will host the second Norvell T. Lee Golf Classic on Sept. 18 at the Lane Tree Golf Course. The event will be a two-member team, best ball format with a 2 p.m. shotgun start. Registration starts at noon, and the entry fee is $60 per person. Proceeds will benefit the Kappa Alpha Psi scholarship fund. For more information, contact Chet Beverly at (919) 734-8649 or Rick Stovall at (919) 735-3431.
Basketball rules seminar
Basketball rules seminars for coaches, players and fans will be held Aug. 30, Sept. 13, Sept. 20 and Sept. 27 at the Herman Park Center from 7-9 p.m. Fee is $35. For more information call Ernest Cave at 919-778-0480.
Goldsboro Parks and Rec. flag football
Goldsboro Parks and Recreation will be accepting registration for flag football through August 30 Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. at 903 East Ash Street. Leagues are for boys and girls ages 6-8 and 9-11. For more information, contact Jeffrey Winbush at 739-7488.
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