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After President Obama's speech to Congress Wednesday about health care, and in light of other information you have read or heard, how do you feel about health care reform?

Started on 09/10/2009

1. I feel much better now that I have heard the president speak and support his effort.
- 9%
(60 votes)
2. I supported the president's plan before the speech and I still do.
- 17%
(112 votes)
3. I heard nothing to change my mind about health care reform. I do not want what the president has proposed.
- 47%
(313 votes)
4. The president has called for bipartisan input, let's see if he means it. I am open to see what might come next.
- 5%
(31 votes)
5. Something needs to be done, but not this, start over. I am not pleased with how either party has behaved.
- 22%
(143 votes)

Total Votes: 659

What did you think about President Barack Obama's message to schoolchildren?

Started on 09/09/2009

I think it is a good thing. Kids needed to hear it.
- 25%
(38 votes)
I think it was politically motivated - a piece of propaganda from a president with sagging ratings.
- 38%
(59 votes)
I think the speech was good, but I could have done without the lesson plans.
- 7%
(11 votes)
What's the fuss about? Presidents speak to children all the time. Get over it.
- 24%
(37 votes)
This is political — hate speak by conservatives about a president they dislike.
- 6%
(9 votes)

Total Votes: 154

What should the city do about the estimated $94,000 needed for repairs at W.A. Foster Center?

Started on 08/24/2009

Fund them, no matter what the cost. The center has a rich heritage in Goldsboro and is important to the community. Besides, getting the job done would put local contractors to work — and everyone could use that kind of stability in this economic climate.
- 32%
(138 votes)
Don’t fund them. Given the state of the economy, the city needs to hold onto as many pennies as possible.
- 53%
(233 votes)
Throw all money meant for Parks and Recreation projects toward a new community building.
- 15%
(65 votes)

Total Votes: 436

What do you think about the mayor's comments regarding the NAACP and the incident involving the Goldsboro police?

Started on 08/11/2009

I think the mayor is right. The NAACP took up court time for a case that had no merit. I want our police department to know I support their efforts.
- 46%
(273 votes)
The mayor might be right about the overall mission of the NAACP, but we have to be careful, there is still racial profiling out there. The NAACP was right to question the incident. They just took it too far.
- 6%
(34 votes)
The mayor is wrong on all counts. The NAACP has to fight because there are still too many people who assume a black man is a criminal first. What would happen if no one was watching?
- 7%
(40 votes)
The NAACP is losing credibility because of wild goose chases like this. The organization should fight real battles — like the disintegration of families and the number of young people who turn to drugs and alcohol. The mayor was right to call them out.
- 29%
(169 votes)
This incident is just a small part of a bigger problem. Few public officials really want to address the issue of what causes poverty, teen pregnancy, poor graduation rates, drug abuse and crime head-on — including the NAACP. The mayor was right to start the discussion.
- 13%
(74 votes)

Total Votes: 590

What do you think about the proposed $1 billion state tax increase to balance the budget?

Started on 08/04/2009

This should be all sales tax and other use taxes like cigarettes and alcohol. That way it will hit all North Carolinians.
- 8%
(32 votes)
This 2-3 percent stipend on higher-income workers is fair — if you earn more, you should contribute more.
- 7%
(28 votes)
Higher taxes of any kind will discourage growth in North Carolina — and push high-skilled workers to head to states with no income tax, like Tennessee.
- 10%
(39 votes)
The budget has to be balanced. I don't like paying higher taxes, but that is what is necessary right now.
- 7%
(26 votes)
Cut the waste first — then we can talk about increasing taxes.
- 68%
(265 votes)

Total Votes: 390

How do you feel about the president's health care reform proposal?

Started on 07/23/2009

Something needs to be done, but this one is just too expensive.
- 11%
(74 votes)
The president is right. It is time to move forward. I believe his plan will work.
- 15%
(97 votes)
I think we are rushing into a plan just to have a plan. This needs more study and to be done right.
- 41%
(268 votes)
Congress has been talking about this subject for years. We need action now. Pass this plan, then reform it.
- 10%
(65 votes)
The president needs to concentrate on jobs. Health care can wait.
- 23%
(151 votes)

Total Votes: 655

What do you think about the Wayne County School District's new policy prohibiting cell phone, iPod and MP3 player use in class — and the penalties associated with it?

Started on 07/15/2009

Bravo! Students have no business using cell phones in school.
- 56%
(382 votes)
I think it is unnecessary and too limiting. In this new age, this is how young people communicate. The board is overreacting.
- 5%
(35 votes)
I understand that cell phones should not be used in school, but why penalize all the students? Some follow the rules and use cell phones responsibly. Why take away their rights?
- 25%
(168 votes)
The policy does not go far enough. Cell phones, iPods and MP3 players belong at home, period.
- 14%
(93 votes)
Adults are always trying to stop kids from becoming independent — and they don't understand us. This is the same thing as when your parents told you not to listen to rap and not to get a tattoo.
- 0%
(2 votes)

Total Votes: 680

Why do you think Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is leaving office?

Started on 07/06/2009

She is running for president.
- 22%
(153 votes)
She is tired of the scrutiny and needs a break.
- 31%
(217 votes)
There is some scandal that is about to break about her.
- 26%
(185 votes)
She wants to make some money in the private sector.
- 21%
(150 votes)

Total Votes: 705

Gov. Beverly Perdue is advocating for $1.5 billion in new taxes to help keep the state in the black and avoid cutting services, especially in education. Do you think:

Started on 06/18/2009

She is right on target, we can’t afford to let our schools lose teachers and programs.
- 23%
(239 votes)
She is way off base, taxpayers can’t take another hit, especially in this economy.
- 77%
(781 votes)

Total Votes: 1020

What do you think about President Barack Obama's speech in Egypt?

Started on 06/05/2009

I thought it was a good move. The United States needs to prove it takes other nations' interests seriously.
- 24%
(181 votes)
I thought it was insulting. We do not need to cowtow to the Muslim world.
- 47%
(353 votes)
I did not like the tone of the speech, but we need to do something different if we are going to ever see peace in the Middle East.
- 2%
(17 votes)
I liked the tone of the speech, but I am waiting to see what happens next.
- 5%
(34 votes)
I think what President Obama says will have no effect on peace in the Middle East.
- 22%
(166 votes)

Total Votes: 751

What do you think about Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's accusations against the CIA?

Started on 05/26/2009

I believe her. I think she was not told about the interrogation techniques.
- 9%
(61 votes)
I think she is lying and should be brought up on charges — she has accused these people of a crime.
- 37%
(264 votes)
I think she made a mistake — and should be allowed to say "never mind."
- 2%
(11 votes)
I think she should resign. There is plenty of evidence to suggest she is not telling the truth, but this is not a criminal offense.
- 37%
(264 votes)
I think politicians should think more before any of them talk. Chalk this one up to one more example and move on.
- 16%
(117 votes)

Total Votes: 717

Do you think Donald Trump should have allowed Miss California USA to keep her crown?

Started on 05/14/2009

Yes, the photo shoot was tame by today's standards and she's entitled to her own personal views.
- 76%
(542 votes)
No, the photo shoot was too risque.
- 8%
(59 votes)
No, her personal views don't mesh with what the pageant represents.
- 4%
(28 votes)
No, because the photo shoot and her personal views were both in poor taste.
- 12%
(82 votes)

Total Votes: 711

If you had a magic wand and could put $2 million in stimulus money toward any project you wanted in the city or county, where would you put it?

Started on 05/06/2009

Schools - more books, more teachers, better facilities.
- 52%
(307 votes)
Roads - more paving, better management and money to develop highway projects that would bring more people here to spend money.
- 17%
(100 votes)
Downtown - there is a lot of potential here, but we need even more of a kick start to realize it.
- 9%
(55 votes)
A recreation center - a downtown rec center would bring more people to city center and would benefit residents.
- 4%
(24 votes)
A convention center - this community needs something to draw people here to spend money.
- 17%
(100 votes)

Total Votes: 586

If your City Council decides that tax rates need to increase, what do you want the city to give up to cut costs?

Started on 04/27/2009

Less personnel in city hall.
- 23%
(122 votes)
Scrap the recreation center project.
- 37%
(198 votes)
Go to a four-day work week.
- 25%
(136 votes)
Make holidays unpaid, but keep same level of city staff.
- 7%
(40 votes)
I don't have a problem paying more taxes to keep the same level of services.
- 8%
(43 votes)

Total Votes: 539

If you could have a say in the handling of the economic crisis, how would you vote?

Started on 04/16/2009

I would vote to continue with the plan as is, I think it will turn the economy around.
- 14%
(98 votes)
I would rescind the bailouts for the banking and auto industry and use that money to bail out everyday people by cutting their taxes.
- 25%
(169 votes)
I would reject the stimulus spending plan — the debt that it is generating is enormous. We need to cut spending, not increase it.
- 15%
(100 votes)
I would reject all current plans and institute a plan that would encourage business investment and grow jobs.
- 12%
(80 votes)
I think the less government is involved, the quicker this crisis will be resolved. Let the markets do their work.
- 35%
(241 votes)

Total Votes: 688

What do you think about the anti-womanless beauty pageant rule?

Started on 04/09/2009

Womanless pageants are disrespectful and do not belong in schools.
- 10%
(50 votes)
Let the kids have some fun - there are more important issues to discuss.
- 44%
(213 votes)
This is just another example of useless government interference.
- 42%
(202 votes)
This is government looking at the bigger picture and making a good decision.
- 3%
(15 votes)

Total Votes: 480

Do you think the automakers will survive?

Started on 03/31/2009

- 41%
(248 votes)
- 26%
(158 votes)
I think GM will make it, but not Chrysler.
- 27%
(166 votes)
I think Chrysler will make it, but not GM.
- 6%
(37 votes)

Total Votes: 609

If the money were available, where would you like to see a civic center built?

Started on 03/24/2009

- 15%
(100 votes)
By Wayne Community College
- 39%
(255 votes)
Off U.S. 70 near the industrial park
- 19%
(126 votes)
I would not like to see one built under any circumstances
- 27%
(179 votes)

Total Votes: 660

What do you think of Gov. Bev Perdue's plan to increase cigarette taxes to offset some of the state's debt?

Started on 03/17/2009

I think she should look for cuts first, like the bureaucracy that runs the state government.
- 25%
(159 votes)
Smoking is a choice. If you choose to smoke, you choose to pay the taxes.
- 20%
(127 votes)
I am for anything that discourages people from smoking — in the long run it will save the state money in healthcare costs.
- 21%
(134 votes)
Governor should be cutting all taxes, not increasing any.
- 16%
(104 votes)
This discriminates against those who smoke. An across-the-board tax increase would be fairer.
- 18%
(118 votes)

Total Votes: 642

Would you like to vote on marriage amendment designating marriage as a union between a man and a woman?

Started on 03/11/2009

- 75%
(512 votes)
- 25%
(172 votes)

Total Votes: 684

How much are you scaling back because of the country's economic concerns?

Started on 03/04/2009

Things are really bad at my house. Someone has lost a job.
- 16%
(82 votes)
I am employed, but worried about being laid off.
- 7%
(38 votes)
I am employed, but there are no extras here. We are cutting back in all areas.
- 39%
(200 votes)
I am employed and have cut back myself, but it has not affected my children's activities.
- 11%
(56 votes)
I have not felt any significant effect on my income.
- 27%
(142 votes)

Total Votes: 518

If North Carolina gets stimulus money, and some is available for Wayne County projects, where would you like to see the money spent?

Started on 02/23/2009

A new civic center
- 4%
(29 votes)
A new recreation center
- 4%
(32 votes)
A civic center and a recreation center
- 8%
(57 votes)
School buildings
- 45%
(338 votes)
Roads and other infrastructure projects
- 39%
(289 votes)

Total Votes: 745

Will A-Rod and other professional player's admission that they have used steroids have a lasting impact on sports?

Started on 02/11/2009

No. Athletes will continue to reach for whatever it takes to gain an advantage — and owners want to win games.
- 32%
(146 votes)
Yes. We will have stricter rules and more people being thrown out of their respective sports.
- 12%
(55 votes)
Who cares. They are adults. If they want to mess up their lives, it doesn't affect me.
- 12%
(56 votes)
There is a bigger principle here — somebody needs to do something and come up with a penalty that stings for owners and players.
- 44%
(200 votes)

Total Votes: 457

What do you think about the $819 billion stimulus package?

Started on 02/02/2009

Oink, oink, it's full of pork and will do nothing except spend more money we don't have. A stimulus package needs tax cuts and incentives for business growth.
- 59%
(323 votes)
Go FDR. Government is the only entity powerful enough to pull us out of this recession. No one else has any money to spend. We can worry about how to get out of debt as soon as the recession is over.
- 11%
(58 votes)
Fiddle-dee-dee I don't care what they do as long as I get a check.
- 8%
(46 votes)
Can't we all just get along? Both sides need to compromise. We need some government spending and business and capital gains tax cuts to get this economy going again.
- 22%
(121 votes)

Total Votes: 548

When do you think troop withdrawals should begin in Iraq?

Started on 01/26/2009

- 30%
(177 votes)
6 months to 1 year
- 14%
(82 votes)
1-2 years
- 7%
(44 votes)
As long as it takes to stabilize Iraq
- 49%
(294 votes)

Total Votes: 597

Who is really the best basketball team in state of North Carolina this year?

Started on 01/13/2009

- 51%
(468 votes)
- 21%
(195 votes)
- 19%
(177 votes)
- 8%
(73 votes)

Total Votes: 913

What are your New Year's Resolutions?

Started on 12/31/2008

Lose weight
- 39%
(161 votes)
Save more money
- 33%
(135 votes)
Go "green"
- 2%
(9 votes)
- 27%
(110 votes)

Total Votes: 415

What kind of budget did you have for Christmas this year?

Started on 12/16/2008

Spent about the same as last year.
- 21%
(130 votes)
Spent significantly less than last year.
- 49%
(305 votes)
Spent more than last year.
- 10%
(61 votes)
Spent about the same on children, but less on adult family members.
- 20%
(126 votes)

Total Votes: 622

Would you support a tax increase for a new recreation center?

Started on 12/10/2008

- 10%
(55 votes)
- 90%
(473 votes)

Total Votes: 528

What are your plans for Christmas spending this year?

Started on 12/01/2008

I am going to cut back on gifts significantly.
- 40%
(230 votes)
I am going to cut back a bit and reduce spending on my daily expenses, too.
- 37%
(214 votes)
I am going to have the same budget for Christmas as last year.
- 19%
(107 votes)
I am going to cut back elsewhere and keep my Christmas spending the same.
- 4%
(22 votes)

Total Votes: 573

Do you think Washington should bail out the American automakers?

Started on 11/18/2008

- 19%
(168 votes)
- 81%
(696 votes)

Total Votes: 864

What types of programs would you be willing to pay more taxes to support?

Started on 11/12/2008

Education - more money for programs and schools.
- 4%
(18 votes)
Universal health care for everyone.
- 10%
(40 votes)
Military - More support for the troops and to continue the war effort.
- 7%
(27 votes)
Social programs that would fund organizations that assist individuals not with handouts, but with education, jobs, daycare.
- 3%
(13 votes)
Two or more of the above, this country needs a change and it is going to cost money.
- 16%
(67 votes)
I would not be willing to pay more taxes at all ... the government has enough of my money. It needs to redistribute funds.
- 59%
(242 votes)

Total Votes: 407

Which statement best describes your feelings about the 2008 presidential election:

This election was about...

Started on 10/30/2008

History - the first African American to run for president.
- 11%
(120 votes)
Money - the one with the most money commanded the election.
- 7%
(78 votes)
No one true leader - neither candidate inspired me, I picked the lesser of two evils.
- 26%
(299 votes)
Standing firm - the future of this nation requires a leader who knows what's at stake overseas (a strong military presence)
- 12%
(139 votes)
Changing our world view - the future of this nation requires a leader who knows how to fix America's reputation around the world
- 9%
(100 votes)
The economy - I chose the man I thought would get us out of this mess - Obama
- 20%
(226 votes)
The economy - I chose the man I thought would get us out of this mess - McCain
- 15%
(175 votes)

Total Votes: 1137

How do you feel about the economy?

Started on 10/16/2008

I think this is a temporary downturn and I am holding steady.
- 67%
(389 votes)
I bailed out the stock market and am keeping my money in cash
- 14%
(80 votes)
I am planning to sell out, but I am waiting for the market to go back up
- 3%
(20 votes)
I am taking advantage of the low stock prices and buying up - I'm bullish.
- 16%
(94 votes)

Total Votes: 583

What do you want to hear the candidates talk about in the next four weeks before the election?

Started on 10/06/2008

How they are going to deal with the economy.
- 47%
(247 votes)
Their qualifications to be president.
- 13%
(67 votes)
Their stand on the war on terror.
- 4%
(22 votes)
Their definition of change and plans for implementing it.
- 34%
(176 votes)
Their foreign policy experience and proposed policies.
- 2%
(11 votes)

Total Votes: 523

Do you support the $700 billion bailout package?

Started on 09/29/2008

- 24%
(149 votes)
- 76%
(460 votes)

Total Votes: 609

What is your definition of a vicious dog?

Started on 09/23/2008

One that growls at anyone who tries to touch it.
- 5%
(33 votes)
One that raises its hackles and bares its teeth in a snarl
- 16%
(103 votes)
A dog that barks and jumps
- 1%
(5 votes)
A dog that tries to bite anyone who comes in its yard
- 6%
(36 votes)
A dog that tries to bite anyone, anywhere
- 73%
(473 votes)

Total Votes: 650

What do you think about the quality of the Wayne County Schools?

Started on 09/16/2008

I love my child's school, but there are serious problems elsewhere.
- 7%
(30 votes)
The schools are not doing a good enough job of educating our children.
- 39%
(161 votes)
It's the parents. Until they are interested, nothing is going to get better.
- 41%
(168 votes)
The school district is doing a good job.
- 4%
(16 votes)
The school district is doing the best job it can.
- 9%
(37 votes)

Total Votes: 412

Do you think the Wayne County School District should redraw district lines to make the schools more racially balanced?

Started on 09/08/2008

- 34%
(261 votes)
- 66%
(516 votes)

Total Votes: 777

How close a race do you think this fall's presidential election will be?

Started on 09/02/2008

Not close. Obama will win.
- 18%
(140 votes)
Not close. McCain will win.
- 23%
(178 votes)
Less than 5 points difference, Obama will win.
- 13%
(98 votes)
Less than 5 points difference, McCain will win.
- 29%
(221 votes)
Too close to call one way or the other.
- 17%
(134 votes)

Total Votes: 771

What do you think of Barack Obama's choice for vice president?

Started on 08/25/2008

Joe Biden is a good choice.
- 31%
(158 votes)
Joe Biden is a Washington insider and will not help Obama's campaign.
- 24%
(126 votes)
It should have been Hillary Clinton.
- 33%
(172 votes)
Someone younger would have been better.
- 2%
(12 votes)
An older person was a good choice, but not Biden.
- 9%
(47 votes)

Total Votes: 515

Should North Carolina's community colleges admit illegal immigrants?

Started on 08/18/2008

Yes, education should be available to all
- 6%
(48 votes)
No, not under any circumstance
- 78%
(576 votes)
Yes, but only if they pay a special tuition rate
- 7%
(51 votes)
Yes, but with no guarantee of immunity to deportation
- 9%
(64 votes)

Total Votes: 739

What shocks you most about John Edwards affair admission?

Started on 08/11/2008

The fact that he denied it for months.
- 17%
(73 votes)
Infidelity in general.
- 21%
(93 votes)
That he could have been the Democratic presidential nominee.
- 21%
(89 votes)
Somebody in his campaign paid his mistress not to speak.
- 13%
(57 votes)
That the National Enquirer was right.
- 28%
(122 votes)

Total Votes: 434

What Olympics events do you plan on tuning in to watch?

Started on 08/05/2008

- 32%
(129 votes)
- 17%
(68 votes)
- 8%
(31 votes)
- 3%
(11 votes)
Track & Field
- 5%
(18 votes)
- 9%
(36 votes)
- 2%
(9 votes)
- 2%
(6 votes)
Whatever is on
- 22%
(89 votes)

Total Votes: 397

If the presidential election were held today, on which issue would you base your vote?

Started on 07/28/2008

The economy at home
- 35%
(237 votes)
Ending the war in Iraq
- 7%
(49 votes)
Staying the course in Iraq
- 10%
(67 votes)
Economy and the war equally
- 48%
(327 votes)

Total Votes: 680

Do you use the city parks?

Started on 07/21/2008

- 10%
(59 votes)
Once in a while
- 29%
(161 votes)
Almost never
- 23%
(132 votes)
- 38%
(212 votes)

Total Votes: 564

Does Goldsboro need a downtown recreation center?

Started on 07/14/2008

- 29%
(283 votes)
Yes, but not at $12.3 million
- 37%
(359 votes)
- 35%
(340 votes)

Total Votes: 982

Who do you think will win the 2009 Eastern Carolina 3-A Conference football title?

Started on 08/11/2009

North Lenoir
- 7%
(44 votes)
South Johnston
- 5%
(31 votes)
C.B. Aycock
- 32%
(207 votes)
Eastern Wayne
- 24%
(156 votes)
Southern Wayne
- 18%
(116 votes)
- 15%
(95 votes)

Total Votes: 649

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