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The funeral service for Billy Ray Wadsworth was to be held today at 1 p.m. at Goldsboro Chapel Church, with the Rev. Thurman McCuller officiating. Burial was to be in Elmwood Cemetery.

Mr. Wadsworth is survived by his mother, Lillie Mae Coley; his companion of 35 years, Carolyn King; four daughters, Karen Peterson, Towanna Bryant, Toino King and Quantella Wadsworth of Goldsboro; two sons; Billy Ray Jr. and Conray King of Goldsboro; four brothers, Anthony Coley of Goldsboro, Johnny Wadsworth of Durham and Danny and Anthony Humphrey of Kenly; four sisters, Regina Coley Bunn of Selma, Linda Wadsworth Cameron of Durham and Bonnie and Rose Humphrey of Goldsboro; and 13 grandchildren.

The viewing was on Sunday from 1 until 6 p.m. at McIntyre Funeral Home Ministries.

Condolences may be faxed to 919-731-4338 or e-mailed to [email protected].


Published in Obituaries on April 25, 2005 1:52 PM