Optimist Club hosts oratorical contest
By From staff reports
Published in News on April 18, 2018 5:50 AM

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Jose Torres, left, and Rebecca Eliassaint, center, shared first place in the Goldsboro Optimist Club's oratorical contest. With them is Maurice Nicholson, contest chairman.
Four local students earned honors and cash prizes in the Goldsboro Optimist Club's oratorical contest based on the theme of "Where Are My Roots of Optimism?"
Jose Torres and Rebecca Eliassaint shared first place and were awarded $100 each.
In addition, both students will compete at the zone level against winners from other Optimist Clubs in the area.
The winner of the zone competition go on to the district level with the chance to win a $1,500 scholarship, and then possibly on to the Optimist International Regional/World Championship for a chance to win an additional $5,000 or up to another $15,000 scholarship.
Doris Ajagbe and Terrence Nicholson received honorable mention awards and $75 each.
"All of the students did a wonderful job in expressing their thoughts and insights on this topic," said Optimist Club President Jewel Wilson. "I, as well as everyone in attendance, can see that each of these students has a bright future ahead of them."
The Optimist Club of Goldsboro has been participating in the Optimist Oratorical contest for more than 50 years and has been active in the community since 1957.
Other programs and service projects that the club is involved in include an essay contest, respect for law program, computers for kids (in which desktop and laptop computers are put in the homes of families with school-aged children in need), family fun day at Cornerstone Commons and many more.
The Goldsboro Optimist Club can always use volunteers and new members who want to help the youth in the community.
For more information call at 919-288-2567, or come by a club meeting at 205 E. Walnut St. at 6:30 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month.