Second person dies from injuries sustained in Monday wreck
By Melody Brown-Peyton
Published in News on February 20, 2018 1:44 PM


The North Carolina Highway Patrol investigates the scene of a wreck on N.C. Highway 403 near the Duplin County line Monday morning. Passenger Wilma Noren Felker, 63, was pronounced dead at the scene. The driver, her husband, Jack Lee Felker, 62 is listed in critical condition at Vidant Medical Center.
MOUNT OLIVE -- A one-vehicle wreck on N.C. 403 near the Duplin County line on Monday claimed the life of the driver.
Jack Lee Felker, 62 of 922 N.C. 403 West in Mount Olive, died at Vidant Medical Center in Greenville, according to the N.C. Highway Patrol.
Felker, who was taken to the hospital after the crash, later died from injuries he sustained when his 2001 Chevrolet Silverado pickup truck hit a tree.
Felker was traveling south along N.C. 403 when he ran off the road to the right then overcorrected, ran off the road to the left and struck a tree. His vehicle came to rest on the northbound shoulder of the highway. He was in critical condition when he was extricated from the vehicle.
His wife, Wilma Noren Felker, 63, was ejected from the vehicle and died on impact. Neither person was wearing a seat belt, said Trooper Ryan Riley, with the N.C. Highway Patrol.
Neither speed nor alcohol are believed to have been a contributing factors in the crash.