Mystery will abound at the Arts Council Saturday
By Becky Barclay
Published in News on February 1, 2018 5:50 AM

Several of this year's Mystery Masterpieces lie on a table at the Arts Council of Wayne County as Saturday's event quickly approaches. The size of the canvas is 8x8 instead of the 6x6 canvas that was used in previous years.

Artists were encouraged to do Paramount Theatre theme images to honor its anniversary if they needed inspiration.
The Arts Council of Wayne County will hold its annual Mystery Masterpiece art lottery fundraiser Saturday at 7 p.m.
More than 80 miniature works of art will be for sale.
"We invited professional and amateur artists from around the community to come in and take one of our 8 by 8 canvases and paint whatever they want on it," said Wendy Walker, Arts Council director.
"It can be something that is their hobby, something they're passionate about, something in the news, something they love to study in school, a bowl of fruit, favorite pet -- anything that inspires you."
The artists then painted the canvas and returned it to the Arts Council to become part of the art lottery.
Anyone can buy a ticket to draw a number to win one or more of the masterpieces. A number is attached to each painting and matches a number put into a hat to be drawn the night of the fundraiser. You can pay $30 to win one canvas or $50 to win two.
"The fun of it is we do three different rounds of drawings," Walker said. "For the premiere round, you can actually upgrade your ticket this year to make sure your ticket is drawn in the first round for an extra $20.
"We had some people in the past who bought their ticket first, but were the last person drawn. If you bought the two for $50 canvas deal, your upgrade is $25. It's a great deal. That's a new and exciting element to it this year."
Walker said she tried to inspire people this year by telling them that there are some fun things going on around the town and they might want to paint something related to that. Artists were also encouraged to use the Paramount Theatre as an inspiration for a painting, since the theater's 10th anniversary gala will be held this month.
"With the Carolina Games Summit is happening this weekend, too," Walker said. "We said maybe this would be a great inspiration for artists. That has brought in some really pretty pieces."
Artists with paintings that are Paramount Theatre-themed have the option of putting their canvas on display at the Paramount during the anniversary gala.
"Somebody did a really cute piece that says Bye Bye Birdie on it," Walker said. "It's a three-dimensional piece with a guitar made out of some sort of metal.
"Patty Westfield did a piece that looks like a city skyline with an ocean and a red sky. But turned the other way, it looks like something completely different. That's what I love about modern art.
"There was a picture that the Paramount had on its website of the Ailey II dancers that came last year. Karin Thompson did a piece from that, and it is gorgeous. She really captured the energy of the dancers."
Somebody else did the side of the Paramount kind of on an angle. And some of the youth artists did canvases that Walker said are "adorable and colorful. It's always interesting to have the perspective of a younger person."
Walker said people really get into the art lottery. When they come in that night, they see a board with the painted canvases on it, but they are in no particular number order.
So people don't know what number is assigned to which painting until they draw a number and walk up to the board to get their painting.
"Then if it happens to be one that you don't particularly care for, at the end of the round, you can do a swap," Walker said. "You can swap it out for another painting that's still on the board.
Or maybe you can convince somebody else who has the painting you really want that they really need to switch with you.
"It's a really fun night. It's a great fundraiser for the Arts Council to have such great artists in the community donate their work.
"But it's also a chance to highlight their work and show what they can do in that really small space."
There will be a buffet and wine donated by the HealtHabit.
There is no admission charge. Those attending can walk through the building to see what other things the Arts Council does.
And the Carolina Games Summit will have an art showcase, with some of the artists on hand all day Saturday and Sunday.
The goal for the fundraiser this year is $3,000.
For more information about the Mystery Masterpiece art lottery, call the Arts Council at 919-726-3300.