Farris Duncan, long-time local attorney, dies at 73
By Steve Herring
Published in News on November 14, 2017 4:55 PM

Long-time Goldsboro attorney and community volunteer Farris A. Duncan, 73, died Tuesday at Wayne UNC Health Care with his family by his side.
Duncan was found unresponsive by his wife, Joyce, late Friday afternoon after he had been trimming bushes in his yard.
Funeral arrangements are incomplete with Seymour Funeral Home and Cremation Service.
A real estate attorney, Duncan received his law degree from the University of North Carolina in 1970.
Duncan was active with the Sunrise Kiwanis Club where he was one of the founders of the Greater Goldsboro Road Run.
He served on the Wayne County Library board and the library foundation.
Duncan was a voice of reason, said Mary Bartlett who worked with Duncan on the library board and foundation and in Sunrise Kiwanis.
Bartlett said she was overcome with sadness at the news of Duncan's death.
"I have know Farris close to 30 years," she said. "He was a very good member of the library board, bringing his legal experience and community experience."
Duncan was extremely helpful in creating the library foundation, she said.
"Farris always gave very willingly of his time to help us," she said. "He is just going to be sorely missed. He is somebody who had a dry sense of humor.
"He brought that humor sometimes to controversial issues -- always helped everybody come together at the table, and he is somebody who is going to be very much missed in this community. I just thought a lot of Farris Duncan."