Police, EMS respond to three overdoses over the weekend
By News-Argus Staff
Published in News on October 2, 2017 10:25 PM

Goldsboro Police and Wayne County EMS responded to three overdoses over the weekend.
The first happened in Room 256 of the Days Inn at about 1:40 a.m. Saturday.
A female called authorities to report she and a man with her were overdosing.
Officers arrived and had to kick in the door -- they used a key card but the door was chain-locked from the inside. They could see the two people lying on the floor unresponsive, the report said.
Narcan was used to revive the male victim, while the female was taken to Wayne UNC Health Care.
Authorities responded to another overdose at about 7:35 a.m. at 518 E. Elm St. -- Donel's Express Mart.
Officers found a man lying in the parking lot and asked him if he was OK. He reportedly said he was not and had overdosed on crack cocaine.
Wayne County EMS took the man to Wayne UNC Health Care.
The third reported overdose of the weekend happened Sunday at about 6:54 p.m. at 709 Prince Ave.
A report said a man overdosed on an unknown opioid in the bathroom of the home.
EMS responded and the man refused further treatment.
Law enforcement data indicates the city has responded to more than 50 overdoses so far this year.