Brawl at Maynard's leaves one woman injured
By Ethan Smith
Published in News on August 16, 2017 5:50 AM

News-Argus file photo
Pictured is a sign of Maynard's Entertainment where a brawl took place Saturday night.
SEVEN SPRINGS -- A woman reportedly went to the hospital with injuries after she and another person were caught in a brawl at Maynard's Entertainment late Saturday night.
The woman was there with a man, and told the Wayne County Sheriff's Office a fight broke out that involved the man's family member.
She tried to get the man's family member away from the fight and into a car.
It was then that a crowd of about 20 people converged on the two people and began assaulting them, a report on the incident said.
The woman then went to the hospital, where she was reportedly told there was a possibility she had bleeding on her brain.
Capt. Shawn Harris said the woman reported the incident by phone Monday, but did not report it to law enforcement right away.
The woman was only able to identify one person by name who was involved in the fight.
"She knew the individuals that were involved, that they were fighting a group of people they knew, and got injured during the fight," Harris said. "She was advised to secure warrants."
Deputies advised her of the warrant process when she called the sheriff's office to report the incident Monday.
No charges have been filed at this time.
Harris said he did not know the nature of the relationship between the man and woman attacked in the brawl.