Public invited to meet principals
By Joey Pitchford
Published in News on July 23, 2017 3:25 PM

Operation Unite Goldsboro and Wayne County Public Schools will host a meet-and-greet event for two new principals Thursday at the H.V. Brown Center at 801 Poplar Street.
The two principals in question are Marcia Manning and Theresa Cox, who recently took the reins at Goldsboro High School and Dillard Middle, respectively.
In a WCPS press release, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Tamara Ishee said that the event will be a chance for the community to meet both women.
"This event will be an opportunity for both principals to take a few minutes to formally introduce themselves and talk a little about their visions and plans for the coming school year," Ishee said in the release. "Following these introductions, we will quickly transition to an informal time for principals and assistant principals from both schools to mingle and engage with community members and families, and talk."
Unite Goldsboro founder Mark Colebrook said that he first approached Ms. Ishee with the idea as a way to make the new principals feel welcome.
"What often happens is that a new principal comes in and there are a lot of changes going on at the school, but the parents don't know about it," he said. "We thought this would be a good way, when the schools have open house, for the parents to already feel connected to the school and the principal."
Operation Unite Goldsboro held a community round table earlier this month, Goldsboro residents talked with school system leaders about ways to improve Goldsboro High School. Colebrook said that, since that meeting, he has seen an increase in community excitement around improving schools, and has more events in the works to help parents get more involved in their children's education.