07/02/17 — Road project included in plan

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Road project included in plan

By Steve Herring
Published in News on July 2, 2017 1:45 AM

The widening of U.S. 13 North from Saulston Road to Rodell Barrow Road in Greene County is one of four new transportation projects in Division 4 included in the updated version of the state's draft 10-year transportation plan.

It is the only one in Wayne County.

Most of the project is inside Wayne County.

The announcement did not include a timetable or cost estimate. Nor did it specify if the widening meant four lanes with a median.

The draft calls for right of way to start in fiscal year 2024 with construction to start in 2026.

The timetables for two other Wayne County projects have been accelerated -- upgrading U.S. 70 to freeway standards from 2026 to 2023 and construction of a 10-foot wide greenway from the U.S. 70 Bypass to Royall Avenue have been moved to 2017.

The plan calls for upgrading U.S. 70 to freeway standards from the west end of the U.S. 70 Bypass to the Wayne-Johnston county line by eliminating at-grade intersections and driveway connections, which will improve traffic flow and safety.

Division Four includes Wayne, Edgecombe, Halifax, Johnston, Nash and Wilson counties.

"Adding projects and moving up the timetable for others is great news for the residents in this area, as it means improved safety and mobility while going to work, school and businesses," said Division 4 Transportation Board member Gus Tulloss of Rocky Mount. "I want to thank Division Engineer Tim Little and his staff for their work in helping us move ahead with these important improvements."

The plan, called the Draft 2018-2027 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), includes a total of 144 new projects and hundreds of projects with accelerated construction schedules, DOT officials said during the Friday announcement.

The adjustments reflect updated financial information, including projected revenues, and lower inflation and construction cost overruns, the officials said.

The plan was initially scheduled to be approved by the Board of Transportation at its June meeting, but approval was delayed to allow the department to update the document to reflect the changes.

The DOT will now hold a public comment period on the updated version of the document.

The public comment period will run from June 28 to July 12.

Anyone who would like to provide comments should contact Diane Wilson at [email protected] or (919) 707-6073.

The final 2018-2027 STIP is expected to be approved by the Board in August.

"Being able to add these projects and accelerate others aligns with our goals of expediting project delivery and promoting economic growth to improve quality of life for all North Carolinians," said State Transportation Secretary Jim Trogdon.

The plan was initially scheduled to be approved by the Board of Transportation at its June meeting, but approval was delayed to allow the department to update the document to reflect the changes.

The DOT will now hold a public comment period from June 28 to July 12 on the updated version of the document. Anyone who would like to provide comments should contact Diane Wilson at [email protected] or 919-707-6073.

The final 2018-2027 STIP is expected to be approved by the board in August.

More information about the STIP and how transportation projects are funded is available online at ncdot.gov/strategictransportationinvestments.