Mount Olive police investigate report of indecent exposure
By Melinda Harrell
Published in News on June 22, 2017 2:21 PM

Two children reported that a man exposed himself to them Monday, according to a Mount Olive police report.
On Monday afternoon, a 12-year-old boy and 15-year-old girl went to Piggly Wiggly to purchase a few items when they noticed a man following them around the store, the report said.
They told police the man never approached them, but seemed to be on every aisle they were on, all the while staring at the teenage girl as they walked by him.
The two finished their shopping trip and began their walk home -- strolling down Henderson Street and then taking a turn on Martin Street -- when they noticed a black four-door car driving by with all the windows down.
They reported that it was the man from the grocery store inside the car, and he was driving by slowly -- so slowly that it caught their attention.
The girl reported seeing the man's genitalia and that he was performing a lewd act.
While the car was driving near them, she pulled out her cell phone to call her mother.
The car then sped away.
The suspect is described as a white man in his 20s wearing a red, hooded jacket and gray shorts.
The Mount Olive Police Department is investigating the incident.