Traffic stop leads to arrest of two gang members
By Ethan Smith
Published in News on June 20, 2017 12:06 PM

Quantavis Demond Best

Ormond Qudre Cobb

Kishmar Hall

Quentin Dean Jackson
Four men -- two of them validated gang members -- are facing felony charges after a traffic stop in West Haven Friday, according to a press release.
Quentin Dean Jackson, 26, of 1313 N. Jefferson Ave.; Ormond Qudre Cobb, 26, of 210 E. Pine St.; Kishmar Hall, 25, of 411 A St.; and Quantavis Demond Best, 26, of 702 Stronach Ave., are each charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Jackson was also charged with resisting, delaying or obstructing an officer.
Best is also charged with possession with intent to sell or deliver marijuana.
According to the release, Jackson and Hall are validated gang members.
Maj. Tom Effler said one of the men was affiliated with the Crips, a nationwide street gang, and the other was affiliated with Folk Nation. Effler was unable to clarify which man was with which gang.
The two men were validated as gang members through information received from the N.C. Department of Corrections.
The release said the crew was stopped by the Wayne County Regional Enforcement and Crime Targeting Team for a motor vehicle violation.
During the stop, officers obtained probable cause to search the car and found three handguns, two SKS Carbine rifle magazines, marijuana and digital scales, according to the release.
Effler said he did not know what the probable cause to search the car was, and did not know what kind of handguns were recovered during the stop.
Effler said whether or not the firearms recovered during the traffic stop were used in any other crimes is under investigation.
Jackson received a $55,000 secured bond, Cobb received a $10,000 secured bond, Hall received a $50,000 secured bond and Best received a $14,000 secured bond on the charges.