UPDATE: Police release few details in fatal Sunday shooting
By Ethan Smith
Published in News on May 15, 2017 9:24 AM

Police are investigating a fatal shooting that happened at about 12:15 a.m. Sunday, according to a press release.
The release said officers were in the area of Elm and Creech streets when they heard shots being fired.
While trying to find where the shots came from, the officers were dispatched to a shots fired call at 1003 Norman St., according to the release.
Officers arrived and found Brandon Rashead Jones, 23, in his car in the yard of 1005 Norman St., which is his home address, suffering from an apparent gunshot wound, the release said.
An incident report said Jones was found slumped over in his car, which is a 1997 Mercury Grand Marquis.
Maj. Anthony Carmon, head of the Goldsboro Police Department's Investigative Services Bureau, said the case is being treated as a death investigation and police are not ruling anything out in terms of whether it is a homicide or suicide.
"At this point its still a death investigation, so we haven't ruled anything out," Carmon said.
Carmon declined to comment on anything police may or may not have found inside the Jones' car, including whether or not a gun was found.
"It's an active investigation and if anything is in the car it's considered evidence, and I'm not going to discuss evidence found in the case," Carmon said.
Carmon also said he could not say where Jones was shot on his body.
"That's going to be up to the medical examiner on autopsy to give us that," Carmon said.
Jones succumbed to his injuries before EMS arrived, and was pronounced dead at the scene, according to the release.
Anyone with information about this crime, or any other crime in Wayne County is asked to call or text Crime Stoppers at 919-735-2255, or submit information at tipsubmit.com.
Callers can remain anonymous and information leading to a felony arrest will be eligible for a cash reward.