Gun permits, sales spiked in 2016
By Ethan Smith
Published in News on February 10, 2017 3:49 PM

Wild Indian Gun Company Owner Todd Gurganus has sold firearms in Wayne County for three decades and has seen a increase in gun sales at his shop as of early 2017.


Two guns that have proven popular at the Wild Indian Gun Shop are the Smith & Wesson Bodyguard, top, and the Ruger LCP II. Their size and ease of use contribute to their popularity.
The number of concealed carry permits issued in Wayne County spiked in 2016 compared to the number issued in 2015.
Maj. Tom Effler with the Wayne County Sheriff's Office said the agency issued 2,035 total concealed carry permits last year, compared to 1,455 total in 2015.
Of the permits issued in 2016, 1,394 were new and 641 were renewals. Only 16 permit applications were denied and 12 were revoked for various reasons, including permit holders being charged with criminal offenses.
The largest spike in permit applications happened in the first quarter of the year, with 699 applications being submitted.
This spike at the start of the year can partly be attributed to holdover from applications being processed from the previous year, Effler said.
After the first quarter spike, the number of applications slowed down and held steady throughout the year with 417 applications being submitted in the second quarter, 459 in the third quarter and 460 in the fourth quarter.
"It seems like the first quarter and December are the big times for concealed carry permit applications," Effler said. "That might be due to holiday shopping."
But Effler said the large spike overall -- with the sheriff's office issuing 1,006 new concealed carry permits and renewing 449 in 2015, compared to issuing 1,394 new and renewing 641 in 2016 -- could be contributed to many things, including politics.
"Honestly I can't say exactly why it spiked," Effler said. "You just never know. Sometimes it's the political atmosphere and sometimes it's just the enthusiasm of new people getting into the sport (of shooting) and knowing they can do it."
Todd Gurganus, owner of Wild Indian Gun Co. on U.S. 13 North, said his shop did indeed see a spike in gun sales around election time last year.
What's more, Gurganus said, is that the business sold more guns in 2016 than it had in any other year previously in its 30 years of business.
"Our sales were record sales last year in numbers of pieces we sold," Gurganus said.
Gurganus said he expects sales to dip slightly this year since the Republican nominee, Donald Trump, won the presidency.
"Every time there's a Democratic administration, sales go up, and every time there's a Republican administration, they soften a bit," Gurganus said.
As for who is buying the guns, Gurganus said he saw lots of women buying personal sidearms in 2016 for self-defense.
Gurganus said people who buy firearms for self-defense have told him they are purchasing the weapon because they believe crime is on the rise.
The store's most popular concealed-carry guns it sold in 2016 are the .380 caliber Ruger LCP II and the Smith & Wesson Bodyguard.
Gurganus added that the demographic of who is purchasing guns is getting younger, also.
"People have crime on their mind," Gurganus said.
According to data provided by the Goldsboro Police Department, most violent crime was down in 2016 compared to 2015.
Overall crime dropped by 10 percent in 2016 compared to the previous year, also.
The homicide rate spiked by 22 percent, as well as rapes, which went up 50 percent, and motor vehicle thefts and arsons spiked by 24 percent and 150 percent, respectively.
But other violent crimes dropped.
Robberies went down by eight percent, while aggravated assaults dropped by 15 percent, simple assaults were down by six percent, break-ins were down by 11 percent and larcenies also dropped by 13 percent.