12/09/16 — Public hearing scheduled on H.F. Lee plant wastewater permit

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Public hearing scheduled on H.F. Lee plant wastewater permit

By Rochelle Moore
Published in News on December 9, 2016 5:32 PM

The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality will have a public hearing Thursday for anyone interested in offering comment on Duke Energy's wastewater permit application for the H.F. Lee plant in Goldsboro.

Public comment will be received during the 6 p.m. meeting that will be held at Wayne County Center, 208 W. Chestnut St. DEQ will start accepting speaker registrations at 5 p.m.

All comments received will be considered in the final determination regarding permit issuance and provisions within the permit. The public comment period for the permit closes the evening of Dec. 15.

Duke Energy Progress applied for the permit for the H.F. Lee Energy Complex, at 1199 Black Jack Church Road. The facility discharges into the Neuse River and to unnamed tributaries in the Neuse River basin.

"Finalizing the new wastewater permit is a critical step to advance the (coal) ash basin closure process," said Zenica Chatman, Duke Energy spokesperson. "The draft permit includes strict standards that ensure people and the environment remain protected and are consistent with federal guidelines that apply to countless businesses that manage wastewater."

The draft wastewater permit is available on the DEQ website, and printed copies may be reviewed at the regional DEQ office in Washington. To make an appointment, call (252) 946-6481.

Public comments on the draft permit can be mailed to Wastewater Permitting, Attn. H.F. Lee, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C., 27699-1617. Comments can also be sent through email by adding H.F. Lee in the subject line before sending to [email protected]. The last day comments will be accepted is Dec. 15.