Remembrance ceremony held
By Joey Pitchford
Published in News on November 13, 2016 1:06 AM

Col. Christopher Sage, commander of the 4th Fighter Wing at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, right, salutes the flag during a wreath laying ceremony at the Veterans Memorial on Friday afternoon.
Whereas the Veterans Day Parade Friday was a loud, energetic affair, things quieted down for the Veterans Day remembrance ceremony at the Wayne County Veterans Memorial.
The small proceeding, joined by around 40 people, took place at 1 p.m. Friday as a way to honor veterans both living and deceased.
After a welcome by Veterans Memorial trustee Bill Graham, Daughters of the American Revolution Chapter Regent Ann Jones delivered remarks on keeping veterans in our hearts and minds at all times.
"It is not enough to say thank you once a day, once a year," she said. "We must say thank you all year long."
Following the remarks, 4th Fighter Wing Commander Col. Christopher Sage assisted Betty Slowinski and Susan Whitfield in a laying of the wreath ceremony. The ceremony, also performed on Memorial Day, is meant to show honor to veterans.
"Whereas on Memorial Day we're remembering the fallen, on Veterans Day we're celebrating the veterans who are still here," said Graham. "But we do not forget those who have died, so we remember them here too. We celebrate the living while honoring the dead."