07/19/15 — Camp Liberty to be held July 23-25

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Camp Liberty to be held July 23-25

By Dennis Hill
Published in News on July 19, 2015 1:50 AM

Camp Liberty will be held Thursday and Friday, July 23-24 from 5 until 9 p.m. and July 25 from 9:45 a.m. until 3:15 p.m. at Victory Free Will Baptist Church.

The free event is a nonpartisan seminar on the Constitution of the United States.

Keynote speakers will be constitutional attorney KrisAnne Hall, Lt. Gov. Dan Forest, Dr. Rosemary Stein, Col. Jay DeLancy, Karen Kozel, the Rev. Tim Butler, Civitas and others.

It's open to people of all ages, including children. A nursery will be available for very young children.

There will be free food, games, classes and other activities, plus door prizes.

For more information, call Linda Harper at 919-751-1090 or email to [email protected].

The event is sponsored by Citizens for Constitutional Liberties.