Fourteen Faith Christian seniors turn tassels
By Ethan Smith
Published in News on May 31, 2015 1:50 AM

Faith Christian Academy graduates Ryan Benjamin Collier, Willie Zachary Daniels, Larry Carter Hudson, Dalton Wade Mitchell and Joshua Martin Wells greet family and friends in the gym after commencement.
The Rev. Christian Powell gripped a baton during the commencement speech he gave to the 2015 Faith Christian Academy graduating class Friday night.
That baton, he said, represented the education and the upbringing the graduates have.
He said that those values and skills should be held tightly, and like Olympic relay racers they must pass the baton between each other to complete each leg of the race.
"This carries the idea of placing something in the hands of somebody else," Powell said. "We place it in their hands; we place in their care; we place in their trust; we place it in their responsibility. We give it to them as a steward to maintain -- to carry, to hold, to utilize, to make the most of."
Powell said it was up to the graduates now to hold on to what they had been given and carry it with them in all they do.
"Tonight you've been given a baton," Powell said. "The truth is for the past 18 years a baton has been given to you. It's a baton of faith. It's a baton of faithfulness. It's a baton of godliness. It's a baton of truth, and it represents all those things, and it represents the most precious and important thing about us and about our lives. It represents the Bible; it represents the gospel; it represents what Jesus Christ has done inside of all of us. Now it's your turn to take the baton and run."
Powell said he trusted the students would be good stewards of what they have learned during their primary education, and said he would support them as they went forth into life after high school.
"Graduates, I say this with love in my heart, God didn't bring you to where you are right now so you can stop running," Powell said.
All 14 students in the graduating class said they intended to do exactly that as they headed off to varying schools of higher education.
Each student was given the opportunity to speak during the ceremony as he or she received his or her diploma.
They thanked their parents, siblings, poked fun at classmates and made jokes about their teachers -- and they thanked God.
Salutatorian Ryan Collier issued a challenge to his class during his speech.
"I challenge you all to stay in the word and stay in church since we won't have this Christian school to remind us daily of why we are here," he said.
"We have been trained for success, and I pray we reach nothing less."
Collier will attend Pensacola Christian College in Florida to study mechanical engineering.
Valedictorian Alyssa Culbreth said she will hold on tightly to her faith, and that will guide her, in spite of the fear of new places, people and situations.
"Lately, I've been thinking about how silly our fears are and how much they impact our lives, or at least how much they impact my life," she told the crowd.
"As we look forward to college, I can see how there would be much to be fearful about. Between moving away from home, making new friends, starting over and ultimately putting our faith to the test, I can see why so many students have a difficult time when they first begin college. However, I know that I have something greater than fear. I have my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Who will be there to help me every step of the way. For He is the ultimate help."
She also said that though she did not know what the future held for her, the things she learned at Faith Christian Academy will help her on her journey. She plans to attend Wayne Community College and then East Carolina University to study biology.