Twenty earn diplomas at Wayne Christian graduation
By Steve Herring
Published in News on May 24, 2015 1:50 AM

Easton Floars, right, was more interested in his uncle Blake Floars' tassel than posing for photos following Wayne Christian School's graduation Saturday.
Austin Howell and Tanner Rose raced rolling chairs down a hallway to calm pre-graduation jitters.
Blake Floars was worried that a temperamental zipper on his graduation gown wouldn't work -- it didn't, but no one seemed to notice. And Austin Sutton was nervous that there would be no diploma when he opened his diploma folder -- there was.
They were among the 20 seniors who received diplomas Saturday morning during Wayne Christian School's 28th commencement exercise.
Floars, of Goldsboro, has been awarded an academic scholarship to Campbell University, but still isn't sure where he will end up.
"If I don't play golf for a college, I am going to go there," he said. "I might play for a college named Montreat that is in the mountains or I might go play junior college golf."
Walking across the stage to receive his diploma was "surreal," he said.
"The feeling was crazy," Floars said. "I've been looking for this day to come for a long time, and that it finally came it was kind of surreal because with all of the time in school you feel it is never going to come."
Sutton, of Mar-Mac, has been at the school since fifth grade.
"I'm going to miss everybody," he said. "I am going to miss all of my friends. We used to hang out almost every weekend, so it is going to be different with everybody going to college.
"I was really nervous when I opened (the diploma folder). When I opened it, it was there, and I was real excited and happy. I was actually praying under my breath. After I opened it I thanked God that it was in there. I thanked Him for all of the years that He had my back and helped me push through."
Sutton said the remainder of the weekend would be spent "hanging out" with family and friends before beginning the search for a summer job.
Sutton plans to enroll in the forestry and criminal justice programs at Wayne Community College then transfer to North Carolina State University.
There will be many graduation ceremonies in the coming days, said Dr. Ashley Shook, school administrator. And a lot will be asked of the Class of 2015, he said.
"But I would encourage you as graduates, I want you to think not so much about how you are going to change the world, or serve others," he said. "I think the most important thing for you to remember is how valuable you truly are.
"Your value is not based on what you have done. It is not based upon who your parents are. It is not based upon how much money you are worth. It is not based on degrees that hang on the wall. Your value is not found in any of those things. Your value is found in your relationship with Jesus Christ."
Speakers for the ceremony included cousins Nick Easom and Abigail Easom, co-salutatorians, and valedictorian Trey Hinton. All three have received scholarships to Liberty University in Virginia.
Hinton told his fellow graduates they have much for which they should be thankful.
"Now, what can we be inspired by today?" Hinton said. "Personally, I am inspired by each person in this class. I could list different attributes and accomplishments for all 20 of my classmates that have inspired me, but I would be up here all day. Just know that in the future, when I need inspiration, I will think back to my memories of each one of you that will keep me going."
Miss Easom said the Class of 2015 has memories it will never forget.
It is amazing how time has flown by since kindergarten when the biggest worries were who was kickball captain, who was line leader and who was the owner of which dog in the doggie game, she said.
"And now here we stand on the last day of our senior year and the first day of the rest of our lives," she said. "On behalf of the Class of 2015 I would like to say thank you to the teachers and coaches who have instilled Biblical values in each of us, teaching us to never give up and to face our fears head on.
"Also, thank you to the parents of our senior class. We would never be here today without your love, support and prayers. And last, but not least, thank you to the Class of 2015 for all of the memories we have made together as not only classmates, but also as friends."
Easom told his fellow graduates, 13 of whom have been together since preschool, that they were surrounded by families, friends, and teachers, without whom, "we could not have made it here today."
It is, he said, a "tightly-knit class" that has made memories that will last forever.
"The only word I can think of to describe our class as a whole is the word humor," he said. "We are all very good at laughing both at each other and at ourselves. Our class has also been very supportive of each other."