Guess who will be on 'The Bachelorette'?
By Phyllis Moore
Published in News on May 17, 2015 1:50 AM

Cory Shivar
One of the bachelor contestants on Season 11 of "The Bachelorette," which premieres Monday night, is from Seven Springs.
The two-night event, which airs on ABC Monday at 9 p.m. and continues Tuesday at 8 p.m., launches with a different format this year. Instead of one young woman choosing from among 25 suitors, this season kicks off with two bachelorettes -- Kaitlyn Bristowe and Britt Nilsson, both plucked from last year's season of "The Bachelor."
By Tuesday night, though, the winning bachelorette will be named and proceed for the rest of the season.
The News-Argus learned last week that the reality show has a Wayne County man in its stable.
Cory Shivar, 35, was described on the website as "subjectively the perfect man for Kaitlyn and objectively a stone cold fox."
When contacted earlier in the week, Shivar responded that he was not able to comment and would pass along the request to show producers. Show representatives replied that none of the bachelors, including Shivar, could be interviewed as long as they are still appearing on the show.
Of course, despite all the contractual constraints put into place, the Internet is not so easily controlled.
"Reality Steve" -- -- is a longtime purveyor of spoilers about every episode from the moment contestants step out of the limo until the final rose is handed out and every "most dramatic rose ceremony" in-between.
Shivar currently lives in the Houston, Texas, area, which is likely to appear on the screen when he is identified on the show. He attended East Carolina University and University of Houston, studying construction management and business. His current job is listed as business development with BGT Interior Solutions.
His parents are D.W. and Edith Shivar of Seven Springs and he has a brother, Wes. Previously married, he also has a daughter.