05/17/15 — French and Spanish students seek homes

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French and Spanish students seek homes

By From staff reports
Published in News on May 17, 2015 1:50 AM

Eight host families are sought in the Goldsboro area for French and Spanish students.

Between June 13 and July 14, five high school students from France and between June 23 and July 20, three high school students from Spain are seeking a host family in the Goldsboro area.

It is simply a matter of providing food and shelter for the visitors who are coming with their own spending money, are fully insured and have some competence in English (which they want to improve during their stay).

Students will be matched individually according to age, interests and activities.

For more information and an application, contact professor Frédéric Fladenmuller at 252-754-2136 or email [email protected]