College: Memorial fund planned
By Phyllis Moore
Published in News on April 15, 2015 1:46 PM
Wayne Community College officials continue to pick up the pieces after Monday's shooting that left an employee dead and sent shockwaves through the community.
In addition to preparing a "celebration of life" ceremony later this week for the deceased, Ron Lane, an 18-year employee who worked in the print shop, officials are attempting to dispel rumors and release accurate information, Tara Humphries, public information officer, said this morning.
Almost immediately, websites sprung up asking for donations for the family.
None of them were authorized by the family, Ms. Humphries said.
Don Magoon, chief of administrative services, sent out an e-mail to WCC staff and employees earlier today alerting them to the situation.
"Please be advised that a memorial fund established online at this URL address, requesting donations in memory of Ron Lane is not the official memorial sanctioned by Wayne Community College or Ron Lane's brother and sister," he wrote. "Please be advised that a memorial fund is in the process of being established through the Foundation of Wayne Community College, Inc. Please contact the Foundation office for details."
Ms. Humphries suggested questions about the authorized donation site be directed to Adrienne Northington at the Foundation, [email protected] or 919-739-7007.
She also said that plans are being made for a memorial tribute to Lane, which will likely be Thursday or Friday.
Meanwhile, her office has received numerous requests from those who want to send condolences or cards to the college or the family.
'The college will accept both and forward them to the family," she said.