Purrrr-fect work if you can get it
By Kirsten Ballard
Published in News on February 6, 2015 1:46 PM

Charlie, one of the Pet Supplies Plus store cats, will be saying goodbye to fans this Saturday at a retirement party.

Chloe, one of the Pet Supplies Plus store cats, will be saying goodbye to fans this Saturday at a retirement party.
Charlie is tired.
He has spent the last 14 years in product testing, quality control and store management.
He greets his employees at the door each morning, alongside his co-manager Chloe. She has been there for 11 years.
The two oversee the sales, often going for ride-alongs with shoppers.
But as Charlie and Chloe have gotten older, managing a store has taken its toll.
Much of their day is spent napping in aisles. What was once a quick catnap has become an afternoon of skirting work, hiding behind, or on top of, merchandise.
When asked how he felt about his upcoming retirement, Charlie said he was ready to retire right "meow."
On Saturday, the furry duo is retiring from Pet Supplies Plus, where they have been the loyal shop cats for many years.
From 1 p.m. until 4 p.m., customers are invited to come say goodbye.
Their co-workers have ordered a special cake, with Chloe and Charlie's faces photo-shopped into one cat on the top of the cake.
The party will be the grand send-off for the cats.
Many people are sad to see the cats retire, but store owner Gloria Sands felt it was time.
"They're getting older," she says. "A home is different than a store."
She believes they will be able to rest easier without the distractions at the shop. This will also give them human companionship through the night.
Charlie is 77 years old in cat years, and they estimate Chloe is about 55.
Both are pretty spry though, jumping down from the cat condos into shopping baskets of loving customers.
"Charlie loves to ride with people," Gloria says.
He stays mainly on the cat aisle, alternating between naps.
"He can spot a cat person a mile away," she says.
She jokes that the cats run the store and are the real owners.
Charlie will be going home with Gloria. Chloe is going to a former employee's house, where her sister resides.
Both cats were taken in as rescue kittens. Store manager Lindsey Clark has trouble remembering a time before the cats.
The cats greet the employees at the door in the morning, waiting for food and love. They also come down for shift change in the afternoon for more snacks.
"We fell in love with them, so they became our shop cats," she says.
They have had other shop cats over the years, but Charlie and Chloe were constant. Lindsey is not sure when or if they will get a new shop cat.
People often come in just to say hi to Charlie and Chloe.
"Charlie is a real big hit with the senior citizens," Gloria says. "They're going to miss him."
However, Charlie and Chloe are looking forward to their retirement. Both are ready to spend their days playing, napping and eating.
Chloe says it is going to be purr-fect.