Pikeville introduces interim police chief
By Melinda Harrell
Published in News on December 3, 2014 1:46 PM

Sgt. Eva Scott
PIKEVILLE -- After more than a month without a police chief, the Pikeville town board Monday named Sgt. Eva Scott as the interim chief until they can hire a full-time replacement.
Sgt. Scott has been on the police force in Pikeville for nearly nine years.
She began as a reserve officer and was quickly promoted to part-time employment. By 2006, she was serving as a police officer full time.
Sgt. Scott says that her main goal while filling in as chief is to maintain public safety with the force's limited manpower.
Sgt. Scott said there are currently only two full-time police officers in town and that presents a challenge that she is willing to accept.
"The main goal, right now, is to make sure we maintain coverage with the limited manpower that we have," Sgt. Scott said.
After Sgt. Scott was named as interim chief, Commissioner Al Green temporarily surrendered his post as police commissioner, citing health problems. Todd Anderson was named as interim police commissioner.
The board directed Sgt. Scott to report to Anderson instead of Green.
The application acceptance process recently closed and now the submitted applications for the position of chief will be vetted and interviews will be lined up.
Michael Hunt, town administrator, said there are four applications on hand for review.
"My responsibility is to review the applications and make a suggestion as to who should be interviewed, but the board can interview all the applicants if they wish," Hunt said.
Sgt. Scott said she applied for the position during the open application process.
"I feel like I have been here long enough, and I know what the town expects. I feel I have the qualities that a small town needs in a chief," Sgt. Scott said.
She said she shows respect to people in the community and in return the community respects her.
"Everyone knows me here, and they know I am fair. I am dedicated to this town, and I love this town," Sgt. Scott said.
Hunt said he hopes to have the application review process completed within 10 days, but there is no set timetable for naming a permanent police chief.