Dancers prepare for Dancing Stars debut
By Phyllis Moore
Published in News on October 15, 2014 1:46 PM

Felicia Brown and Dr. Paul Rutter rehearse their Dancing Stars of Wayne County routine. Ms. Brown is the recreation superintendent for Goldsboro Parks and Recreation, and Rutter is director of evening college at the University of Mount Olive.
The last time Felicia Brown did any kind of formal dance moves was when she was in third grade.
"I remember being in like a cotillion and every person did a talent," she said. "Mine was called the bunny hop, and it was nowhere close to what I'm doing now."
The recreation superintendent with the Goldsboro Parks and Recreation Department is among the 13 participants in this year's Dancing Stars of Wayne County, which will be held Friday evening at the Paramount Theatre.
"The type of dance that I'm doing will be actually different types of dance -- a little bit of waltz, ballet and a dance called contra," she said.
Growing up in Plymouth, Ms. Brown said there wasn't a ballet school and she had missed out on the opportunity to learn. Being part of the local event has been enjoyable, she said.
"It's been very rewarding, particularly for me, knowing that I can, or as they say, I'm not too old to learn something new," she said. "This experience has really been fun for me. I've revisited my childhood."
Communities in Schools Executive Director Selena Bennett's trip down memory lane has taken her to an era that evokes a chuckle.
"We're doing disco, so it's going to be a flashback to the '70s," she said. "It's been a great experience. I will say it's been a lot more work than I realized. Maybe it's because I'm not 16 anymore."
Aside from hoping to keep her steps in line when she hits the stage Friday night, Mrs. Bennett has one goal -- "to keep from embarrassing my adult children," she said with a laugh.
In addition to the 13 contestants from the surrounding community, five local dance studios will be represented at the fundraiser for education.
This is the fourth year for the event, sponsored by Wayne Education Network, an arm of the Wayne County Chamber of Commerce.
Proceeds generated from the effort will be used to support various education projects in Wayne County, including scholarships, classroom mini-grants, the Junior Leadership Program and countywide middle grades career fair.
To date, WEN has distributed more than $119,000 in grants and $30,725 for teacher stipends.
The dancers are assigned to area studios, where they have been receiving choreography with student dancers.
Participating dance studios and their "stars" include Artistic Dance Academy with Kate Daniels, Chamber president, and Brandi Strickland of Strickland Insurance Group; A Step of Class with Nicole Barnes, chief financial officer of Alta Foods; Dr. Shane Hoover, pediatrician at Goldsboro Pediatrics; and Leigh Tanner, a biology teacher at Wayne Country Day School; Center Stage Theatre with Ms. Brown, Dr. Paul Rutter, director of the evening college at the University of Mount Olive; and Sheila Wolfe, principal of Fremont STARS Elementary School; Mrs. Robin's Academy of Dance with Mrs. Bennett and Dan Ellis, executive vice president at Southern Bank and Trust in Mount Olive; and School of Goldsboro Ballet with Sonja Emerson, Dillard Middle School principal; Kirk Keller, instructor with Wayne Community College's business administration/operation management and mechanical engineer programs; and George Lanier, a Realtor/broker with RE/MAX Complete.
Doors at the Paramount open Friday at 6:30 p.m. for the cocktail hour, followed by the show.
Tickets are $75 each and include heavy hors d'oeuvres, the show and five votes.
"Since votes are $10 apiece, that's $50 worth of votes for your favorite," Lara Landers, event organizer, said.
Those attending the performance are also allowed to purchase additional votes throughout the evening.
Otherwise, online voting, also at $10 apiece, is going on until Thursday at midnight.
For more information or to cast a vote, visit