September 30, 2014 archives

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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Stolen car report becomes hit, run

A Princeton man who reported his Jeep stolen to the Goldsboro Police Department Sept. 24 now faces charges for driving while impaired and hit and run. Roland Parker, 42, of 156 Capps Bridge Road, told Goldsboro police that his...

Sewer testing planned

The city of Goldsboro's Public Works Department is buying new equipment to test sewer lines. The department has budgeted $200,000 to buy new machinery to conduct smoke and dye testing of lines, and to obtain robotic cameras and acoustic...

Shots fired at car on city street

Two vehicles traveling east on Elm Street traded gunfire Monday at 10:50 a.m., according to a Goldsboro police report. A city Animal Control officer witnessed the shooting. Officer Cary Faulcon, 57, said he saw a white Ford Explorer and...

Ride 'em, cowboys

[email protected] One Mississippi. Larry Holmes grips the rope firmly. "Two Mississippi." He balances through each buck. Three Mississippi. He absorbs one kick -- and then another. Four Mississippi. He has been training for this moment. Five Mississippi. He has overcome...

Wayne Regional Agricultural Fair winners

Monday Vocational Competition *Carpentry: first place, Tommy Sheppard, Eastern Wayne High *Health Occupations Spelling Bee: Gracie Parrott, Charles B. Aycock Saturday Open Junior Market Lamb Show Grand Champion: Lillie Medlin, Rocky Mount Reserve Champion: Braelyn Wesley Long, Selma Showmanship Ages...

Business Women's Week Oct. 20-24

Wayne County will celebrate women in the workplace Monday through Friday, Oct. 20-24. And a Career Woman of the Year will be selected. The events are being sponsored by the Wayne-Duplin Chapter of the Business and Professional Women of North...