Legislative breakfast rescheduled
By From staff reports
Published in News on July 29, 2014 1:46 PM
State budget negotiations that are expected to continue into the weekend have prompted the rescheduling of an end-of-session legislative update breakfast that had been planned for this Thursday.
Sponsored by The Goldsboro News-Argus in conjunction with the Wayne County Chamber of Commerce, the event will now be held Thursday, Aug. 7, from 7:30 a.m. until 9:30 a.m. at Lane Tree Conference Center.
People who had planned to submit questions for legislators now have until Monday, Aug. 4, by 5 p.m. to do so. Questions should be emailed to [email protected].
Local legislators who have been invited include District 5 Sen. Don Davis of Snow Hill, District 7 Sen. Louis Pate of Mount Olive, District 4 Rep. Jimmy Dixon of Mount Olive, District 10 Rep. John Bell of Goldsboro and District 21 Rep. Larry Bell of Clinton.
During the breakfast legislators will have an opportunity to talk about their accomplishments during the short session, and what is on the horizon for the next long session.
Issues expected to be discussed include Common Core, Medicaid, the military, small businesses, teacher pay, transportation and agriculture.
Davis represents part of Wayne, all of Greene County and part of Lenoir and Pitt counties.
Pate represents most of Wayne and parts of Lenoir and Pitt counties.
John Bell represents parts of Wayne, Greene, Lenoir and Craven counties.
Larry Bell represents parts of Wayne, Duplin and Sampson counties.
Dixon represents parts of Wayne and Duplin counties.
The cost for the event is $15 for Chamber members and $20 for non-members.
To register, call the Chamber at 919-734-2241 or go online to www.waynecountychamber.com.