On 'American Idol,' a chance to inspire
By Phyllis Moore
Published in News on February 6, 2014 1:46 PM

Goldsboro native Majesty York performs for the judges during the "American Idol" auditions in Atlanta. The singer is among the group going to Hollywood.
"I try not to look too far ahead," she said. "The goal is to win, but with me I just want to take it step by step and see why I'm in this position right now, how am I going to inspire people with just being who I am."
On Wednesday night's broadcast, Hollywood Week -- when the contestant pool is quickly whittled down from over 200 to 31 -- they give their make-or-break performances that could either propel them to the next round or see them sent home.
When it was Majesty's turn, she approached the microphone and announced, "I'm the next American Idol because I have a passion to represent everything that's good and great in this world. I want to leave a good mark and I need a big platform to do that."
She played the guitar and sang "1234," prompting Miss Lopez to turn to Judge Harry Connick Jr. and say, "Oh, my God, I love her!"
Majesty said she does enjoy writing some of her own songs, favoring "words that are life-giving."
Asked to describe a genre of music that best represents her, she thought a moment.
"It's kind of hard to pick one, but it would be a mix of alternative and I like folksy music but at the same time I want to be inspiring and I really would like it to be relevant," she said. "If you put that all together, that would be me."
Given the opportunity to send a message to friends and family in her hometown, she didn't take it as a chance to solicit votes or promote her career. She just wants folks to know she's doing well.
"I'm not trying to go away and make something of myself so to speak," she said. "I really just want to lift up everything that's good.
"Don't look at me as a celebrity. I'm really just a person going after their calling in life."
"American Idol" airs on Fox network Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 8 p.m. This week and next wrap up Hollywood Week, with the Top 31 named on Feb. 13. The Top 15 female singers perform live Feb. 18, followed by the Top 15 male contestants the next night. The Top 13 will be revealed on Feb. 20.