Camp Liberty teaches Constitution to all ages
By Matt Caulder
Published in News on July 21, 2013 1:50 AM

Michael Landgen, 8, and Matthew Landgen, 6, demonstrate how to fold the American Flag at Victory Free Will Baptist Church Saturday with the help of Christina Sowder.
Adults weren't the only patriots at the Camp Liberty seminar sessions the past few days, with junior patriots attending classes that focused on the American flag during the adult seminars.
The seminar series was held at Victory Free Will Baptist Church and sponsored by Citizens for Constitutional Liberties, a non-partisan group that meets every third Tuesday night at 6:30 at Republican headquarters at 147 South Center St.
"Because we didn't have a lot of kids, we decided to spend our time learning all about the flag," said Virginia Morris, who headed up the children's program.
The youth gave a rendition of both "You're a Grand Ole Flag" and "I Love The Stars and Stripes" and even demonstrated folding the flag properly for the adults at the seminar before getting their certificate for their classes.
Michael Landgren, 8, said he learned what the American flag's birthday is, June 14, 1777. A day we celebrate each year on Flag Day.
His brother Matthew, 6, learned that the flag has 50 stars for the 50 states and that the stripes stand for the original 13 colonies in America.
Jenna Stevens, 11, from Conway, S.C., was visiting her grandfather in Goldsboro and came to the seminar all three days.
"The flag is more than cloth, it is a symbol of freedom," Jenna said.
The seminar bills its goal as "to educate the public on the (United States) Constitution according to the original intent of our Founding Fathers."
The event featured presentations by attorneys and outreach ministries over the three days of the event.
KrisAnne Hall, a speaker at all of the three Camp Liberty events held since 2011, is a disabled Army veteran and former prosecutor who travels around the country teaching about the Constitution and the history that influenced the founding documents.
Her presentations over the three days covered the original intent of the framers of the Constitution, clarifying current laws, outlining constitutional principles and a seminar on citizen participation in a Republic.
"This is a ministry for me, I travel all over the country teaching this," said Mrs. Hall. "I'm only home one week out of the month."
She said that people are taught that America is a democracy when it is a republic.
"In a republic only, can the minority affect change," she said.
Other speakers Thursday included Dr. Gene Gurganus of the Islamic Awareness Ministry, which seeks to educate people on the reasons behind Islamic extremism; Wayne County Sheriff Carey Winders and state Rep. John Bell.
On Friday, state Rep. Jimmy Dixon and Wayne County Commissioner Bill Pate spoke, as well as David Gibbs III, president of the National Center for Life and Liberty, who spoke about protecting religious liberty.
Saturday Mrs. Hall gave a morning and afternoon presentation as well as Becki Gray of the John Locke Foundation who gave a presentation on constitutional principles of education.
The seminar wrapped up with an update from state Sen. Louis Pate.