Holding to hold office hours in Fremont Town Hall
By Matthew Whittle
Published in News on June 6, 2013 1:46 PM

U.S. Rep. George Holding
Wayne County residents looking for help from Republican Congressman George Holding will be able to visit his newest satellite office in Fremont beginning today.
The office, which will be in the Fremont Town Hall, will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursdays and will be staffed by Deborah Yelverton Marm.
"Wayne County has the second largest population in my district, and I knew when I was elected that I wanted to open an office in Wayne County," Holding said.
He explained that Fremont was chosen for several reasons.
One, he said, it's in the district -- Goldsboro, though it has a bigger population base, is largely in Democratic Congressman G.K. Butterfield district. And, two, with much of Nash and Wilson counties also in Holding's District 13, Fremont is a central location.
"I have visited Fremont and I think it's a great location for this office," he said.
He explained that people come to such an office when they need help, and having one centrally located in the eastern part of his district was a priority.
Among the problems Mrs. Marm, who has worked on veterans affairs since the 1970s, will be focusing on are those concerning the Social Security Administration, the Veterans Affairs Administration and the Internal Revenue Service.
"Constituent services is job number one for me," Holding said. "We try to help people cut through the red tape.
"We have a lot of veterans in Wayne County and she (Mrs. Marm) has a lot of experience with veterans issues."
Of course, he said, people don't have to wait until Thursdays to contact his office. His Raleigh location, 3725 National Drive, Suite 101, Raleigh, is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
With no telephone number set up yet in Fremont, he also said that people needing to call on Thursdays should, for now, call the Raleigh office at 919-782-4400.
However, he does believe the Fremont location, 120 Main St., will prove to be a convenient location for people needing help.
Holding added that he plans to visit the office when he's back in the district in August, and that eventually he would like to expand its hours.
"We've cut our budgets back, but I'm hopeful that at some point we will be able to offer extended office hours there," he said.