Vietnam Wall poster/essay winners
By Staff Reports
Published in News on April 21, 2013 1:50 AM

Shown above are the essay and poster contest winners in the "What Freedom Means to Me" contest. Front row: Karen Aguirre-Vargas; back row, from left: Brandy Parker, Morgan Yelverton, Alexander Edmonds, Timothy Santee, Angel Henn and Anna Campbell.
Wayne County Public Schools recognized student winners in an essay and poster contest to support the arrival of the "The Wall That Heals" this past week at Wayne Community College.
The district participated in the week-long event in a variety of ways, officials said. At the opening ceremony, during which there was a tribute to Vietnam veterans and families, the school system had student groups, ROTC units and the Charles B. Aycock High School band in attendance. Several Vietnam veterans also spoke at area schools about the war and its place in the history of the United States.
The Veterans and PatriotsCoalition Poster and Essay Contest drew many entries, said Dr. Sandra McCullen, associate superintendent, curriculum and instruction.
"The art work and essays were outstanding and depicted reflections of how our nation struggled during the Vietnam War," she said.
First-place winners in each category were recognized at a ceremony Friday morning at the college, during which students read their winning essays and made brief comments about the meaning of their posters.
Copies of the essays and posters will be included in a time capsule that will be buried Monday at the Wayne Veterans Memorial Park in downtown Goldsboro, Dr. McCullen said, and honorable mention students will receive a ribbon at a later date.
"I could not be prouder of the support that has been given to this event from the school system," she said. "We appreciate the extra effort that all our WCPS employees gave to show our support of the important community event for Wayne County."
Winners in the "What Freedom Means to Me" contest are listed below.
Essay contest winners
Grades 4-5: Karen Aguirre-Vargas, fifth-grader at Brogden Middle School, $100 award
Grads 6-8: Brandy Parker, eighth-grader at Norwayne Middle School, $200 award
Grades 9-12: Timothy Santee, 12th grade at Rosewood High School, $300 award
Poster contest
Grades 4-5: Anna Campbell, fifth-grader at Grantham School, $100 award
Grades 6-8: Morgan Yelverton, eighth-grader at Norwayne Middle, $200 award
Grades 9-12: Angel Henn, 11th grader at Rosewood High School, $300 award
Best of Show Poster
Edmonds Alexander, a senior at Charles B. Aycock High School, $300 award.