T-shirt fundraiser to help with expenses for Wall
By Kenneth Fine
Published in News on March 25, 2013 1:46 PM

This graphic will appear on the back of the T-shirts being sold by the Wayne County Veterans and Patriots Coalition to help offset the cost associated with the Wall That Heals' stay in Goldsboro the third week of April. The red box at the bottom will appear on the front of the shirts.
They have already secured the funds necessary to bring the Wall That Heals to Goldsboro, but members of the Wayne County Veterans and Patriots Coalition want to ensure that the other expenses associated with what they consider one of the most significant events to hit the area -- from the purchase of the undersized American flags that will line Wayne Memorial Drive to meals for volunteers -- are covered.
Wall-themed T-shirts are currently being sold out of the American Legion Post 11 headquarters for $20 apiece.
And Coalition President Bill Graham said money raised through the sale will help offset the thousands of dollars in expenses not yet accounted for.
The Wall, which is scheduled to arrive at Wayne Community College the third week of April, is a half-scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.
It is approximately 250 feet in length and is constructed of powder-coated aluminum, supported by an aluminum frame, and is made up of 24 individual panels, each containing six columns of names -- as on the Vietnam Wall, the names on the replica are listed by day of casualty.
For more information on how you can help, or to purchase a T-shirt, contact Graham at 919-394-2200.