GPD responds to shootings; officer in accident en route
By John Joyce
Published in News on February 21, 2013 1:46 PM

Investigators from the Goldsboro Police Department look for evidence at the scene of a Crawford Street shooting Wednesday afternoon. One person was injured and was taken to the hospital in a private vehicle.

A Goldsboro police officer was not injured in a crash at the intersection of East Ash Street and Spence Avenue as he was responding to a shooting call on North John Street Wednesday afternoon.
Goldsboro police responded to two reported shootings in the span of an hour Wednesday afternoon, and in the process lost a patrol car to an accident on Ash Street.
Police were dispatched to the first shooting, in the 800 block of Crawford Street, just before 2:30 p.m. While en route, investigators were informed that the victim, 19-year-old Martiz Equan Bradshaw, had been taken to Wayne Memorial Hospital in a personal vehicle.
According to the investigation report, six bullet holes were found in the house at 823 Crawford St. Bradshaw had been standing on the porch of the abandoned residence when he was shot.
In a press release issued late Wednesday, investigators said that Bradshaw, when questioned at the hospital, reported hearing several shots and then realized he had been struck by a bullet in the leg. The investigation into this matter is ongoing.
About half an hour into the investigation at Crawford Street, a second shooting call was reported to 911. Radio traffic broke over a patrol officer's mobile radio saying that witnesses had seen a man running through a path near North John Street holding his side and bleeding.
Several patrol officers and at least four investigators remained engaged at the Crawford Street scene while one of the investigators sped off in response to the new call. A patrol officer who had not been involved at the first crime scene also responded.
Officer T.A. Christie was driving west down East Ash Street when, while passing through the intersection where Spence Avenue connects to Ash, his cruiser was struck by a car. The back of his vehicle was then pushed into oncoming traffic and collided with another car.
According to the accident report, the driver of the vehicle that initially struck the officer's car, 23-year-old Kiara Racha Hines, was taken to Wayne Memorial Hospital with minor injuries. She was later cited for failure to heed blue lights and sirens.
Additional officers continued on to the reported shooting at North John Street, but neither the victim nor the 911 caller could be located. No one else in the area reported seeing or hearing any shots fired and investigators determined that the report, according to a press release, was unfounded.