Obama wins; Republicans take state and local government
By News-Argus Staff
Published in News on November 7, 2012 12:54 AM

Wayne Aycock hugs Meredith Peters inside Republican Headquarters after the announcement of his victory.
Here are your winners of Tuesday's contested races of particular local interest. For more details, including how Wayne County swung, and complete coverage, see Wednesday's News-Argus and visit www.NewsArgus.com. Follow any further developments on our Facebook page and on Twitter @newsargus.
President - Barack Obama (Dem)
Governor - Pat McCrory (Rep)
U.S. House District 1 - G.K. Butterfield (Dem)
U.S. House District 13 - George Holding (Rep)
N.C. House District 4 - Jimmy Dixon (Rep)
N.C. House District 10 - John Bell (Rep)
Wayne County Board of Commissioners At-Large - Wayne Aycock (Rep)
Wayne County Board of Commissioners District 2 - J.D. Evans (Dem)
Wayne County Board of Commissioners District 5 - Bill Pate (Rep)
Wayne County Board of Commissioners District 6 - Joe Daughtery (Rep)
N.C. District Court Judge District 8 (Carraway seat) - Ericka James (Non-partisan)
Wayne County Board of Elections At-Large - Eddie Radford (Non-partisan)
Wayne County Board of Elections District 2 - Dwight Cannon (Non-partisan)
Wayne County Board of Elections District 3 - Thelma Smith (Non-partisan)
Important storylines to read in Wednesday's News-Argus: Barack Obama wins re-election, Pat McCrory and Republicans control state government, and Republicans sweep into control of Wayne County Board of Commissioners for first time since Reconstruction.