Candidates speak to local voters at conservative party gathering
By John Joyce
Published in News on October 14, 2012 1:50 AM

John Tedesco, a candidate for state schools superintendent, goes over his platform with those gathered for the N.C. Conservative Council of State Forum on Saturday.
The Wayne County Citizens for Constitutional Liberties hosted its N.C. Conservative Council of State Forum Saturday before a crowd of more than 30 people at Goldsboro's Paramount Theater.
Candidates seeking the conservative vote were invited to speak and to partake in a moderated question-and-answer session outlining how they would govern, guided by their faith and constitutional interpretation, if elected.
"My whole purpose, since Christmas of last year, was to bring candidates here to speak, and many have. This is the last one before the election," said Linda Harper, CCL and Tea Party member.
Speaking on behalf of the Republican gubernatorial candidate, Pat McCrory, was three-time congressional candidate and former Winston-Salem city council member Vernon Robinson.
Robinson outlined briefly McCrory's seven-point plan for implementing a limited constitutional state government, which would lead to unlimited economic opportunity.
Rep. Karen Kozel, R- Lenoir, also took the stage throwing her support behind Dan Forest for the office of lieutenant governor.
Mike Causey, running for insurance commissioner, spoke on his own behalf, as did candidates Ed Goodwin, secretary of state; Steve Royal, treasurer; Debra Goldman, auditor; and John Tedesco, state superintendent of education.
"I was incredibly impressed with the candidates," said Dean Poirier of Mount Olive.
He was most impressed, he said, by Tedesco, and liked the fact that the Wake County Public Schools System's Board of Education member said that he would, among other things, address the concerns of children with special needs.
"He was extremely well-spoken and passionate," said Poirier, whose youngest daughter is hearing impaired.
Each of the candidates, proudly as Christian as they were conservative, described how their faith had led them into public service and how it would continue to guide them if elected to office.
Citing George Washington's farewell address, moderator Mark Holzkamm spoke about the indispensability of morality and religion, and how they are important to government.
"There is no such thing as the separation of church and state," Holzkamm said.
Mrs. Harper said that although she was disappointed by the low attendance, she was pleased at how well the candidates performed and that at least some of the electorate took the time to come out and get informed.