WCPS names outstanding elementary math teacher
By Phyllis Moore
Published in News on November 9, 2011 1:46 PM

Amber Craig
Wayne County Public Schools named its 2011-12 outstanding elementary mathematics teacher of the year this week.
Amber Craig, a fourth-grade math teacher at Grantham School, was recognized at Monday night's school board meeting.
An educator for 10 years, officials called her a leader in elementary mathematics.
"In addition to utilizing technology and adopting teaching and learning strategies that help her students master mathematical concepts, Mrs. Craig also works to share effective teaching strategies with her peers," said board member John P. Grantham.
During the past three years, Mrs. Craig has served as a Math PARTNERS contact for Grantham School. In the role, she presented professional development in mathematics to her colleagues.
She also designed her classroom as a "math workshop," allowing other teachers to utilize learning stations and cooperative learning groups in math lessons.
At Grantham, she is grade chair for the fourth grade, mentors beginning teachers, serves on the school improvement team and Response to Intervention team.
She earned a bachelor's degree in elementary education with a concentration in mathematics from Appalachian State University.
As Wayne County's representative for the honor, she was recently recognized at the N.C. Council of Teachers in Mathematics, or NCCTM, 2011 math conference in Greensboro. She also received a one-year membership in the NCCTM and a personalized award and will be mentioned in the fall issue of the council's journal and on the NCCTM website.