This time, they're the ones being helped
By Steve Herring
Published in News on November 1, 2011 1:46 PM

Grantham and Jordans Chapel area residents are planning an auction and barbecue fundraiser for Lois and Sherril Aman on Saturday at Eureka Christian Church on Dobbersville Road.
GRANTHAM -- Sherrill and Lois Aman say they are humbled by the response of their neighbors in the Jordans Chapel/Grantham community -- a community known for rallying behind their neighbors in times of need.
Normally the Amans would be among those organizing and carrying out the benefit fundraisers the community has put on over the years for people in need.
However, this weekend Sherrill, 66, and his wife, Lois, 61, will be the ones who will be helped by the community-wide event.
The barbecue fundraiser will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4 to 7 p.m. at Eureka Christian Church, 2036 Dobbersville Road. The cost will be $7 per plate, eat-in or take-out, for barbecued pork or chicken. An auction will start at 7 p.m.
"It is a community effort," said Ed Stevens, one of the organizers. "All of the churches are helping. The Grantham Grange and Grantham and Jordans Chapel fire departments are helping. (The Amans) have had a tough time. Sherrill has always been kind of a ringleader in these kind of things and now it is time to help him.
"Sherrill was always there cooking pigs. He has been in the community a long time. He and his family are wonderful. We are just trying to do what we can for them."
Mrs. Aman was diagnosed with Gaucher disease in 2003 and has to undergo treatment every two weeks. Gaucher disease is a chronic, progressive genetic disorder in which a person's body does not produce sufficient levels of a particular enzyme. The deficiency allows a fatty material, or lipid, to accumulate in the body.
"She got real weak and was unable to work and had to leave her job at Bussman in Goldsboro," Aman said. "She has to go every two weeks and get a treatment and it is real, real, real expensive."
But that is not all the couple have had to manage.
Aman is sick, too.
"A year ago, not knowing anything was wrong with me, I was getting heavier," he said. "Fluid was building up on me."
Aman was seen by his local doctor and it was determined he had 38 pounds of fluid buildup. He was treated at Wayne Memorial Hospital, but when he came home he was 12 pounds heavier than when he was admitted.
"They talked in Goldsboro that my kidneys were shutting down and that I possibly would have to go on dialysis," Aman said. "I went to Duke and they worked for three days and nights. They tried to get the fluid off of me at Duke and they couldn't. I ended up on dialysis.
"For nine days straight they did dialysis on me every day. They managed to get the fluid off me and got my weight back down to like it was supposed to be."
After returning home, Aman went to dialysis every other day in Mount Olive.
"Now I do what they call home dialysis," he said. "I have to do it every day, four times a day. I have to go back home and do it before we go to her doctor's appointment. I have not been able to work. Neither of us can."
Aman's career has been about helping others.
"I had been a fireman for about 38 years. I ran rescue for 27 years (with the Grantham squad). I have always helped with all of the communities if they are helping other people."
The Amans said they were humbled by the community's response.
"If you could have been here (Jordans Chapel Fire Station) that first Sunday that room back there was full and people were standing," he said. "They talked about it and I think about 30 hogs were donated then. It was amazing.
"I have always been in there trying to help and now I am the one who needs help. So they are going to help me."