Bentonville getting ready for anniversary March 19-20
By From staff reports
Published in News on March 10, 2011 1:46 PM
FOUR OAKS -- Step back in time to see raw recruits answer the call for volunteers to join the Confederate army in late May 1861, at Bentonville Battlefield State Historic Site.
The program "The Union is Dissolved: Mustering Soldiers off to War" kicks off the Civil War Sesquicentennial celebration set for March 19-20, from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. with the 146th Anniversary of the Battle of Bentonville Living History Program.
Military re-enactors will portray enlisting officers, recruits and the army surgeons charged with certifying the health of the new soldiers at John Harper's home just outside of the village of Bentonville. Various civilians will portray family, friends and neighbors showing support and bidding teary farewells to the brave volunteers.
The second half of the living history scenario will follow the recruits as they report to camp. There they are issued uniforms, equipment and weapons. They also learn how to be soldiers through daily drills. Visitors will be entertained by the mistakes and mishaps of raw recruits with no formal military training.
Visitors are encouraged to participate throughout the day by filling out an enlistment form and taking part in the drills. Re-enactors interested in participating in this event should contact Maxwell at [email protected] for a scenario summary and registration form. There is no fee to register for this event.
Bentonville Battlefield is located at 5466 Harper House Road, Four Oaks. It is three miles north of Newton Grove on state road 1008. Visit or call (910) 594-0789 for more information.