Students show their talent, skills to Optimists
By Staff Reports
Published in News on November 29, 2009 1:50 AM

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Davianta Staton, left, Stevee Jo Rose, and Miraka Battle were the winners of a recent Optimist Club talent contest.
The first Goldsboro Optimist Club youth talent show and art auction was held earlier this month at the Herman Park Center.
Acts were divided by grade level, and ranged from singing contemporary songs to gospel songs, with some youths playing their own musical accompaniment.
Miraka Battle took first place in the elementary category with her rendition of Miley Cyrus' "The Climb."
Davianta Staton showed the audience his moves as he danced his way into first place in the middle school category.
Stevee Jo Rose rounded out the high school category singing "I'm Letting Go," garnering first place honors. Prizes of $100, $50 and $25 were awarded for first, second and third place in each category.
"All of the children were winners. Each one of them worked hard and performed exceptionally well. It is an honor and a privilege to be able to put on an event that simply lets kids show us all what they can do," said Maurice Nicholson, president of the Goldsboro Optimist Club.
Wayne County youth also donated artwork to be auctioned off.
Harmonii Nicholson, Optimist Club member and one of the coordinators of the event, said, "We need to do all that we can to encourage our youth. Lifting them up and helping them reach their goals is the responsibility of all of us. We shine, when they shine."
The Goldsboro Optimist Club has been active in the community since 1947. Other Optimist Club events include annual essay and oratorical contests, Respect For Law program and events in support of the Childhood Cancer Campaign. For information, go to www.goldsboroopti or call 394-5925.