Cliffs of the Neuse plans haunted hayride
By Becky Barclay
Published in News on October 27, 2009 1:46 PM

Cliffs of the Neuse staff members get the bales of hay ready for the park's haunted hayride this weekend.
Cliffs of the Neuse State Park is going to the ghosts.
The Ghost of the Carolinas hayride is planned for Friday staring at 7 p.m. at the park's lake parking area.
Although costumes are not required, children and adults of all ages may dress up if they wish.
A trailer is being decorated and fitted with bales of hay for visitors to sit on. The hayride, which takes about 15 minutes, will go down to the cliffs and back to the lake area. Along the way will be several scenes that have been set up representing North Carolina ghosts, park ranger Candace Rose said. Park rangers and Cliffs staff members will portray characters in the scenes. Ms. Rose will be the tour guide.
In conjunction with the hayride, the Cliffs will also have trunk-or-treating in the lake parking area.
"The whole idea behind trunk-or-treat is to provide a safe place to kids to come and trick or treat so they don't go door-to-door," Ms. Rose said. "People hand out candy from the back of their vehicles. Some decorate the back of their vehicles with spider webs and other Halloween decorations."
Those handing out candy can also play Halloween music during the event.
Those who want to give out candy should call the park office at 778-6234 to register. Candy must be provided by the participant and will be inspected by rangers prior to the event.
Families who want to be part of the trunk or treat should simply show up at the event. Everyone is encouraged to take a flashlight because there are no lights in the parking lot.
The hayride and trunk-or-treating are both free.
"We'd like to get people coming out to the park," Ms. Rose said. "It's a historical thing, since visitors will be learning about North Carolina ghosts. It's a good local event."
This is the first year the Cliffs has done a Halloween event.
"We'd also love for people to come camping at the Cliffs that night," Ms. Rose said.
The Cliffs of the Neuse State Park is located off NC 111 South.